Mahmoodullah Shah
Hazrath Syed Sultan Mahmoodullah Shah Hussaini (died 1894 A.D.) also known as “Shah ji” was a renowned Muslim
A Muslim, also spelled Moslem, is an adherent of Islam, a monotheistic, Abrahamic religion based on the Quran, which Muslims consider the verbatim word of God as revealed to prophet Muhammad. "Muslim" is the Arabic term for "submitter" .Muslims believe that God is one and incomparable...

 Sufi, saint and scholar of the Quadri, Chisti order from Indian sub continent. He was the native of Karnool . His most famous disciple and spiritual successor was Hazrath Machiliwale Shah
Hazrath Machiliwale Shah
Machiliwale Shah Saheb also known as Hazrath Syed Kamalullah Shah, was a renowned Muslim Sufi, saint and scholar of the Quadri, Chisti order from Indian sub continent. He was the disciple and the spiritual successor of Hazrath Syed Sultan Mahmoodullah Shah Hussaini...

, who in turn became the spiritual master of India's noted Sufi saint.


Syed Sultan Mahmoodullah Shah Hussaini spiritual guide(shaikh) was Shaikh Hazrath Syed Burhanuddin Haqqani Haqnuma. A renowned scholar of the time miraculous personality imparted immense knowledge, awarded khilafath and ordered him to go to Hyderabad for the propagation of Oneness of God. He stayed in secunderabad and Hyderabad. Many scholars of twin cities learned the intricacies of Tauheed and Tasawwuf from him. He initiated Hazrath Shah Kamalullah popularly known as Machiliwale Shah
Hazrath Machiliwale Shah
Machiliwale Shah Saheb also known as Hazrath Syed Kamalullah Shah, was a renowned Muslim Sufi, saint and scholar of the Quadri, Chisti order from Indian sub continent. He was the disciple and the spiritual successor of Hazrath Syed Sultan Mahmoodullah Shah Hussaini...

 in tasawwuf and made him successor(janasheen).


He passed away on 6th Zilhajja, 1311 H corresponding to 1894 A.D. His grave(mazar) is situated in Takia Munnamiya, beside Osmania general Hospital, Afzalgunj, Hyderabad.


His annual Urs is organized by his present successor Moulana Ghousavi Shah(Secretary General:The Conference of World Religions & President: All India Muslim Conference) on 29th Rabi-us-sani every year.


  • Hazrath Machiliwale Shah
    Hazrath Machiliwale Shah
    Machiliwale Shah Saheb also known as Hazrath Syed Kamalullah Shah, was a renowned Muslim Sufi, saint and scholar of the Quadri, Chisti order from Indian sub continent. He was the disciple and the spiritual successor of Hazrath Syed Sultan Mahmoodullah Shah Hussaini...

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