Manga (magazine)
Manga magazine, formerly known as Takuhai, is a free quarterly magazine published by Tokyopop
Tokyopop, styled TOKYOPOP, and formerly known as Mixx, is a distributor, licensor, and publisher of anime, manga, manhwa, and Western manga-style works. The existing German publishing division produces German translations of licensed Japanese properties and original English-language manga, as well...

, which gives preview chapters of a selection of the company's new manga
Manga is the Japanese word for "comics" and consists of comics and print cartoons . In the West, the term "manga" has been appropriated to refer specifically to comics created in Japan, or by Japanese authors, in the Japanese language and conforming to the style developed in Japan in the late 19th...

 titles, as well as fan art and short articles. It was first published in the summer of 2005, and readers can subscribe to the magazine through Tokyopop's official website. The magazine's original title meant "home delivery" in Japanese
Japanese language
is a language spoken by over 130 million people in Japan and in Japanese emigrant communities. It is a member of the Japonic language family, which has a number of proposed relationships with other languages, none of which has gained wide acceptance among historical linguists .Japanese is an...

, but this was changed when Tokyopop discovered that many readers were accessing it through schools, libraries, and news stands, which had themselves taken out subscriptions.

The magazine is different in that it has two covers. You read the first half in Western style, left-to-right, then you flip over to the back and read it in the or Japanese style, right-to-left. Manga also includes an online issue with completely different material to the printed publification, and which is updated every month.
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