Marcos Mundstock
Marcos Mundstock, born May 25, 1942, in Santa Fe, Argentina
Santa Fe, Argentina
Santa Fe is the capital city of province of Santa Fe, Argentina. It sits in northeastern Argentina, near the junction of the Paraná and Salado rivers. It lies opposite the city of Paraná, to which it is linked by the Hernandarias Subfluvial Tunnel. The city is also connected by canal with the...

, is a musician, writer, comedian and former broadcaster and copywriter, most famous for being a founding member of Les Luthiers
Les Luthiers
Les Luthiers is an Argentine comedy-musical group, very popular also in several other Spanish-speaking countries such as Paraguay, Peru, Chile, Ecuador, Spain, Colombia, Mexico, Uruguay, Bolivia, Cuba and Venezuela. They were formed in 1967 by Gerardo Masana, during the height of a period of very...

, their emcee, and writing many of their libretti and lyrics. He also invented one of their most famous instruments, the gom-horn (a trumpet parody) and occasionally played keyboards and percussion for their numbers. Mostly, his role is that of the 'non-musician' member, in spite of having sang for their (mostly operatic) pieces with some frequency.
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