Marialiese Flemming
Marialiese Flemming is an Austria
Austria , officially the Republic of Austria , is a landlocked country of roughly 8.4 million people in Central Europe. It is bordered by the Czech Republic and Germany to the north, Slovakia and Hungary to the east, Slovenia and Italy to the south, and Switzerland and Liechtenstein to the...

n Member of the European Parliament
Member of the European Parliament
A Member of the European Parliament is a person who has been elected to the European Parliament. The name of MEPs differ in different languages, with terms such as europarliamentarian or eurodeputy being common in Romance language-speaking areas.When the European Parliament was first established,...

. She is a member of the European People's Party (Austrian People's Party
Austrian People's Party
The Austrian People's Party is a Christian democratic and conservative political party in Austria. A successor to the Christian Social Party of the late 19th and early 20th centuries, it is similar to the Christian Democratic Union of Germany in terms of ideology...

 domestically) and was first elected during the 1996 European Parliament
European Parliament election, 1996 (Austria)
The European Parliament election of 1996 in Austria was the election of the delegation from Austria to the European Parliament in 1996.-Background:In 1996, Austria was a country with a population of 7.9 million...

 election for Austria. Her European Parliamentary
European Parliament
The European Parliament is the directly elected parliamentary institution of the European Union . Together with the Council of the European Union and the Commission, it exercises the legislative function of the EU and it has been described as one of the most powerful legislatures in the world...

 career ended on 19 July 2004.

Since 1999, Flemming has served on various European Union-related delegations, committees and groups, including the Committee on the Environment, Public Health and Consumer Policy, and sporadically as a substitute on the Committee on Women's Rights (a precursor to the Committee on Women's Rights and Gender Equality
Committee on Women's Rights and Gender Equality
The Committee on Women's Rights and Gender Equality is a committee of the European Parliament.-Chair:-Members:*BASTOS, Regina *BAUER, Edit *BOZKURT, Emine *ČEŠKOVÁ, Andrea *CORNELISSEN, Marije *COSTA, Silvia *CYMAŃSKI, Tadeusz...

 which exists today) and the Committee on Research, Technological Development and Energy.

Flemming also held views on human cloning in line with that of the other Christian Democrat Members of the European Parliament. In 2003, she tabled more than 80 amendments in the European Parliament to further restrict cloning research in European Union member states, suggesting the use of adult stem cells for use in research as opposed to embryos. Flemming was reported by The Telegraph
The Daily Telegraph
The Daily Telegraph is a daily morning broadsheet newspaper distributed throughout the United Kingdom and internationally. The newspaper was founded by Arthur B...

as saying that the creation of embryos for the purpose of medical treatment is immoral because the "individual characteristics of a person" are created at the moment of conception.

In 2004, Czech Radio reported that the future European Commissioner for Health & Consumer Protection, Pavel Telička
Pavel Telicka
Pavel Telička is a Czech lobbyist.-Early life:Born in Washington, D.C. as the son of a communist diplomat´. After his graduation from the Charles University in Prague, he joined the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Czechoslovakia...

, had been involved in heated debate with Flemming over the issue of the Temelín Nuclear Power Station
Temelín Nuclear Power Station
Temelín Nuclear Power Station is located near Temelín, a small village in the Czech Republic. Temelín NPP is owned by ČEZ Group, which employs 1000 workers at this site. The adjacent castle Vysoký Hrádek serves as an information centre.-History:...

, a Czech nuclear power station positioned close to the border with nuclear-free
Nuclear-free zone
A nuclear-free zone is an area where nuclear weapons and nuclear power are banned. The specific ramifications of these depend on the locale in question....

Austria. Even though these debates had occurred, Flemming was reported to describe Telicka as "sensational and absolutely perfect".
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