Mark Bell-Booth
Mark Rex Bell-Booth was Mayor of Palmerston North
Mayor of Palmerston North
The Mayor of Palmerston North is the head of the municipal government of Palmerston North, New Zealand, and presides over the Palmerston North City Council. The mayor is directly elected using a First Past the Post electoral system...

 from 2001 to 2004 for one term.

Prior to becoming mayor, Bell-Booth was a Palmerston North City Councillor from 1991 to 2001. He became known through his "Save the Avenue" campaign. Bell-Booth is best known for the redevelopment of The Square, which happened during his mayoral reign. In the 2004 local elections, he lost the mayoralty against Heather Tanguay
Heather Tanguay
Heather Tanguay was Mayor of Palmerston North from 2004 to 2007.In the 2004 local elections, Tanguay defeated incumbent Mark Bell-Booth. At the next local elections in 2007, she was beaten by Jono Naylor with 12524 to 8088 votes. During her mayoralty, Palmerston North City Council signed the...

. He made headlines when it became known that he lent his wife's car to a known gang member. His reign at the council was described by a political commentator as being more akin to that of a chief executive than a mayor. He contested the Palmerston North mayoralty again in the 2010 local elections
New Zealand local elections, 2010
The 2010 New Zealand local elections were triennial elections to select local government officials and district health board members. All elections are conducted by postal ballot, with election day being Saturday 9 October 2010.Elected were:...

 and came a distant second against incumbent Jono Naylor
Jono Naylor
Jono Naylor is a New Zealand local politician for the city of Palmerston North. Naylor became a member of the city council in 2001 and was elected Mayor in 2007, defeating incumbent Heather Tanguay....

, with 2229 against 16717 votes.

From 2004 to 2008, Bell-Booth was chief executive of Assetta, a software development company. Since then, he has been a director of Unlimited Realities, a designer of touchscreen software applications.
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