Mary Milne
Mary Milne is an award-winning singer-songwriter from Bancroft and Toronto, Ontario. Milne performs an eclectic solo show, sometimes accompanying herself on a kick drum and hi-hat or tap-dancing. A self-taught singer and guitar player, her voice has been described as "wonderfully imprecise". Her first demo Sister Rodeo was released in 2006 followed by the EP, Don't You Know I Love The Leavin' in 2009. In 2011 her song Already Gone from the Canadian feature film The Trotsky
The Trotsky
The Trotsky is a 2009 Canadian comedy film directed by Jacob Tierney.-Plot:Montreal West high school student Leon Bronstein believes that he is the reborn incarnation of Marxist/Bolshevik leader Leon Trotsky. Shortly after he starts to work in his family's clothing factory, he attempts to unionize...

 won a Genie Award for Best Achievement in Music - Original Song
Genie Award for Best Achievement in Music - Original Song
The Genie Award for Best Achievement in Music is awarded by the Academy of Canadian Cinema and Television to the best Canadian original song.-17th Genie Awards:* Michael Turner, Swamp Baby, Peter J...

. She is the granddaughter of Canadian painter David Milne
David Milne
David Milne may refer to:* Sir David Milne , British admiral* David Milne , Canadian artist* David Milne , Australian rugby league player...

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