Masques et Bergamasques
Masques et bergamasques is a twentieth-century musical homage to the world of the fêtes galantes of the eighteenth century by the French composer, organist, and choirmaster Gabriel Fauré
Gabriel Fauré
Gabriel Urbain Fauré was a French composer, organist, pianist and teacher. He was one of the foremost French composers of his generation, and his musical style influenced many 20th century composers...


Written quite late in Fauré's life, Masques et bergamasques (as Op. 112) is commonly heard today as an orchestral suite. However, it originally arose in an unusual setting.

As first performed in Monte Carlo
Monte Carlo
Monte Carlo is an administrative area of the Principality of Monaco....

 on 10 April 1919, it was a commission by the Prince of Monaco
Prince of Monaco
The Reigning Prince or Princess of Monaco is the sovereign monarch and head of state of the Principality of Monaco. All Princes or Princesses thus far have taken the name of the House of Grimaldi, but have belonged to various other houses in male line...

 and was designed to accompany a one-act divertissement
Divertissement is used, in a similar sense to the Italian 'divertimento', for a light piece of music for a small group of players, however the French term has additional meanings....

, a danced and sung entertainment, with a scenario by René Fauchois inspired by Verlaine
Paul Verlaine
Paul-Marie Verlaine was a French poet associated with the Symbolist movement. He is considered one of the greatest representatives of the fin de siècle in international and French poetry.-Early life:...

, relating how members of a commedia dell'arte
Commedia dell'arte
Commedia dell'arte is a form of theatre characterized by masked "types" which began in Italy in the 16th century, and was responsible for the advent of the actress and improvised performances based on sketches or scenarios. The closest translation of the name is "comedy of craft"; it is shortened...

troupe would spy on the amorous encounters of aristocrats in its audience. Its movements are almost all drawn from earlier works of Fauré's:
  1. Ouverture (from an abandoned 1869 symphony)
  2. Pastorale (the only new movement)
  3. Madrigal (Op. 35, 1884; for chorus and orchestra)
  4. Le Plus Doux Chemin (Op. 87 No. 1, 1904; for tenor and orchestra)
  5. Menuet (from the 1869 symphony)
  6. Clair de lune
    Clair de lune (Fauré)
    "Clair de lune", Op. 46 No 2, is a song by Gabriel Fauré, composed in 1887 to words by Paul Verlaine. The pianist Graham Johnson writes that it closes Fauré's second period and opens the doors into his third. Johnson notes that it is "for many people the quintessential French mélodie".The lyric is...

     (Op. 46 No. 2, 1887; for tenor and orchestra)
  7. Gavotte (from the 1869 symphony)
  8. Pavane
    Pavane (Fauré)
    The Pavane in F-sharp minor, Op. 50, is a composition by the French composer Gabriel Fauré, written in 1887. It was originally a piano piece, but is better known in Fauré's version for orchestra and optional chorus...

     (Op. 50, 1887)

The title, Masques et bergamasques (meaning "masks and bergamasks", a bergamask
Bergamask, bergomask, bergamesca, or bergamasca , is dance and associated melody and chord progression. It was considered a clumsy rustic dance Bergamask, bergomask, bergamesca, or bergamasca (from the town of Bergamo in Northern Italy), is dance and associated melody and chord progression. It was...

 being a rustic dance), comes from the opening lines of the Verlaine poem sung as the sixth movement: "Votre âme est un paysage choisi / Que vont charmant masques et bergamasques." Fauré reportedly said of Masques et bergamasques that "it is like the impression you get from the paintings of Watteau".

The suite drawn from the work has remained one of Fauré's most popular works, and consists of four of the purely orchestral movements:
  1. Ouverture: Allegro molto vivo
  2. Menuet: Tempo di minuetto – Allegretto moderato
  3. Gavotte: Allegro vivo
  4. Pastorale: Andantino tranquillo

The Gavotte may be played before the Menuet. The entire piece runs about 14½ minutes.
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