Masseteric artery
The masseteric artery is small and passes laterally through the mandibular notch
Mandibular notch
The upper border of the ramus of mandible is thin, and is surmounted by two processes, the coronoid process anteriorly and the condyloid process posteriorly, separated by a deep concavity, the mandibular notch...

 to the deep surface of the masseter muscle
Masseter muscle
In human anatomy, the masseter is one of the muscles of mastication.In the animal kingdom, it is particularly powerful in herbivores to facilitate chewing of plant matter.-Origin and insertion of the two heads:...

, which it supplies.

It anastomoses with the masseteric branches of the external maxillary artery and with the transverse facial artery
Transverse facial artery
The transverse facial artery is an artery that branches from the superficial temporal artery and runs across the face.-Course:The transverse facial artery is given off from the superficial temporal artery before that vessel leaves the parotid gland; running forward through the substance of the...

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