Master Chu and the Drunkard Hu
Master Chu and the Drunkard Hu is a one or two player platform
Platform game
A platform game is a video game characterized by requiring the player to jump to and from suspended platforms or over obstacles . It must be possible to control these jumps and to fall from platforms or miss jumps...

 video game released in the United States
United States
The United States of America is a federal constitutional republic comprising fifty states and a federal district...

 for the NES
Nintendo Entertainment System
The Nintendo Entertainment System is an 8-bit video game console that was released by Nintendo in North America during 1985, in Europe during 1986 and Australia in 1987...

 by Joy Van in 1989 and was published by Color Dreams
Color Dreams
Color Dreams was a company that developed video games for the 8-bit Nintendo Entertainment System . While most companies that developed NES games obtained an official license from Nintendo to produce game cartridges, Color Dreams was unusual in that it developed NES games without an official license...

. This game was not officially licensed by Nintendo
is a multinational corporation located in Kyoto, Japan. Founded on September 23, 1889 by Fusajiro Yamauchi, it produced handmade hanafuda cards. By 1963, the company had tried several small niche businesses, such as a cab company and a love hotel....

 and was manufactured using either non-standard light blue or black cartridges, typical to all games published by Color Dreams.


The player plays as Master Chu. The god Shiva
Shiva is a major Hindu deity, and is the destroyer god or transformer among the Trimurti, the Hindu Trinity of the primary aspects of the divine. God Shiva is a yogi who has notice of everything that happens in the world and is the main aspect of life. Yet one with great power lives a life of a...

, from Hindu
Hindu refers to an identity associated with the philosophical, religious and cultural systems that are indigenous to the Indian subcontinent. As used in the Constitution of India, the word "Hindu" is also attributed to all persons professing any Indian religion...

 religion, has cursed the village where Chu resides. Chu's friend Master Hu has failed to stop Shiva and has resorted to drinking
Alcohol intoxication is a physiological state that occurs when a person has a high level of ethanol in his or her blood....

. Chu must set out to stop Shiva and his minions. Despite Hu being a drunk, in 2 player mode, Chu and Hu can play simultaneously.


The game has 10 levels, or rounds, as they are called in the game. In the first 7 rounds, the player must collect 8 symbols of harmony (which resembled red and white yin-yang symbols
Taijitu is a term which refers to a Chinese symbol for the concept of yin and yang...

) scattered throughout the area. Some symbols are hidden and may be found by shooting certain objects in the level. Successfully finding all 8 symbols will transport the player to the level's boss. After beating the boss, the player must then find the Flaming Key of Freedom hidden in the boss's room to proceed to the next round.

In rounds 8 and 9, the player simply fights a boss three times and is awarded the key. In round 10, the player fights two more bosses with Shiva in the background and after defeating them, Shiva is fought. Successfully defeating Shiva wins the game.

Both Chu and Hu have similar attributes. The player may fire shots of energy with the A button and can use a fan
Fan (implement)
A hand-held fan is an implement used to induce an airflow for the purpose of cooling or refreshing oneself. Any broad, flat surface waved back-and-forth will create a small airflow and therefore can be considered a rudimentary fan...

 with Chu or knife
A knife is a cutting tool with an exposed cutting edge or blade, hand-held or otherwise, with or without a handle. Knives were used at least two-and-a-half million years ago, as evidenced by the Oldowan tools...

with Hu with the B button that can defend against certain projectiles (so, in order to jump, you press up on the D-pad). The player may find various items that can restore health, grant invincibility, extra lives, or increase the number of shots fired.

There are numerous enemies and obstacles in the levels to harm the player. If the player has the item that increases the number of shots, being harmed by anything will downgrade this item. When all lives are lost, the game is over, but the player may continue an infinite amount of times. Continuing on any rounds past 7 will take the player back to the start of round 7.
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