Mathilde Aussant
Mathilde Aussant was a French
The French Republic , The French Republic , The French Republic , (commonly known as France , is a unitary semi-presidential republic in Western Europe with several overseas territories and islands located on other continents and in the Indian, Pacific, and Atlantic oceans. Metropolitan France...

A supercentenarian is someone who has reached the age of 110 years. This age is achieved by about one in a thousand centenarians....

 who was at the time of her death the oldest verified person in France.


She was born in Donges
Donges is a commune in the Loire-Atlantique department in western France.-See also:*Communes of the Loire-Atlantique department*Parc naturel régional de Brière...

, France, the fifth of eleven children born to François Gaudet and Hélène Halgand. Following the death of her mother, she left Donges for Paris
Paris is the capital and largest city in France, situated on the river Seine, in northern France, at the heart of the Île-de-France region...

 in 1923. She worked as a housekeeper and babysitter. She married a railroad worker from Gare Saint-Lazare
Gare Saint-Lazare
Paris Saint-Lazare is one of the six large terminus train stations of Paris. It is the second busiest in Paris, behind the Gare du Nord, handling 274,000 passengers each day.-History:...

, who died in 1936. In 1946, she married another railroad worker, René Aussant, who died in 1961. Their only daughter died in 2007, leaving Aussant without any immediate family. In 1999, she moved to a retirement home. In 2008 she was awarded the Medal of the city of Donges. She died at a hospital in Vendôme
Vendôme is a commune in the Centre region of France.-Administration:Vendôme is the capital of the arrondissement of Vendôme in the Loir-et-Cher department, of which it is a sub-prefecture. It has a tribunal of first instance.-Geography:...

 on Saturday, 23 July 2011.

Longevity records

  • On 6 March 2009, Mathilde Aussant aged 111 years 7 days moved into Gerontology Research Group list for Guinness World Records.
  • On 4 November 2010 Eugénie Blanchard
    Eugénie Blanchard
    Anne Eugénie Blanchard was a French supercentenarian, who at the age of was the oldest living person at the time of her death. She became the recognised titleholder upon the death of Japanese supercentenarian Kama Chinen on 2 May 2010...

     died, and Mathilde Aussant aged 112 years 250 days became the oldest person in France.
  • On 7 November 2010, Mathilde Aussant aged 112 years 253 days became one of the top 50 oldest known people from Europe ever.
  • On 27 February 2011, Mathilde Aussant aged 113 years became the 12th known person in the history of France to reach the age of 113.
  • On 21 June 2011 Maria Gomes Valentim
    Maria Gomes Valentim
    Maria Gomes Valentim was a Brazilian supercentenarian who died at the age of 114 years 347 days. She was the oldest verified living person in the world from the time her age was validated on 18 May 2011 until her death a little more than a month later...

    died, Mathilde Aussant aged 113 years 114 days became one of the top 10 oldest living people in the world.
  • On 23 July 2011 at 5.45 CET, Mathilde Aussant died at age 113 years 146 days, at the time she was the 10th oldest living person.
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