Maurice Garçon
Maurice Garçon was a French novelist, historian, essayist and lawyer. A major figure at the bar
Bar association
A bar association is a professional body of lawyers. Some bar associations are responsible for the regulation of the legal profession in their jurisdiction; others are professional organizations dedicated to serving their members; in many cases, they are both...

, he gained a certain notoriety and was even mentioned with René Floriot
René Floriot
René Edmond Floriot was a French lawyer.-Life:Floriot drove "a research staff of six lawyers, known as "l'usine Floriot" . Gifted with prodigious memory, he can simplify the most complex case for the dullest of jurors...

 in the last phrase of Jean-Pierre Melville's film "Bob le flambeur
Bob le flambeur
Bob le flambeur is a 1956 French gangster film directed by Jean-Pierre Melville. The film stars Roger Duchesne as Bob...


Les Plaidoyers

  • Plaidoyer pour René Hardy
    René Hardy
    René Hardy was a French resistant during World War II. He was captured by the Gestapo and agreed to work with Klaus Barbie although it is not clear to what extent. He may have given information leading to the capture of Jean Moulin and of a number of other resistance leaders on 21 June 1943, at a...

     (1950) (Plee for René Hardy
    René Hardy
    René Hardy was a French resistant during World War II. He was captured by the Gestapo and agreed to work with Klaus Barbie although it is not clear to what extent. He may have given information leading to the capture of Jean Moulin and of a number of other resistance leaders on 21 June 1943, at a...

  • Plaidoyer contre Naundorff (1955) (Plee cons Naundorff)
  • En marge de l'Immortel : un procès d'archéologie (1932) (On the Sidelines Of The Immortal: A Trial of Archaeology)
  • En marge des fleurs du mal: un procès littéraire (1926) (Alongside the Flowers of Evil: A Literary Process)


  • Le Diable
    The Devil is believed in many religions and cultures to be a powerful, supernatural entity that is the personification of evil and the enemy of God and humankind. The nature of the role varies greatly...

    , étude historique, critique et médicale
    (in collaboration with Jean Vinchon) (1926)
  • La vie exécrable de Guillemette Babin, sorcière (1926)
  • Vintras, hérésiarque et prophète (1928)
  • Rosette Tamisier ou La miraculeuse aventure (1929)
  • Trois histoires diaboliques (1930)
  • Essai sur l’éloquence judiciaire (1931)
  • La justice contemporaine, 1870-1932 (1933)
  • La justice au Parnasse (1935)
  • Magdeleine de la Croix, abbesse diabolique (1939)
  • Huysmans
    Joris-Karl Huysmans
    Charles-Marie-Georges Huysmans was a French novelist who published his works as Joris-Karl Huysmans . He is most famous for the novel À rebours...

     inconnu, du bal du Château-rouge au monastère de Ligugé
  • Le douanier Rousseau
    Henri Rousseau
    Henri Julien Félix Rousseau was a French Post-Impressionist painter in the Naïve or Primitive manner. He was also known as Le Douanier , a humorous description of his occupation as a toll collector...

    , accusé naïf
  • Tableau de l’éloquence judiciaire (1943)
  • L’Affaire Girard (1945)
  • Sur les faits divers (1945)
  • 13 drames du poison (1948)
  • Plaidoyer pour René Hardy
    René Hardy
    René Hardy was a French resistant during World War II. He was captured by the Gestapo and agreed to work with Klaus Barbie although it is not clear to what extent. He may have given information leading to the capture of Jean Moulin and of a number of other resistance leaders on 21 June 1943, at a...

  • Procès sombres (1950)
  • Louis XVII ou La Fausse énigme (1952)
  • Sous le masque de Molière
    Jean-Baptiste Poquelin, known by his stage name Molière, was a French playwright and actor who is considered to be one of the greatest masters of comedy in Western literature...

  • Plaidoyers chimériques (1954)
  • La tumultueuse existence de Maubreuil, marquis d’Orvault (1954)
  • Plaidoyer contre Naundorff (1955) (Advocacy Cons Naundorff
  • Choses et autres (1956) (Things and Others)
  • Histoire de la Justice sous la IIIe République (1957) (History of Justice Under the Third Republic
    French Third Republic
    The French Third Republic was the republican government of France from 1870, when the Second French Empire collapsed due to the French defeat in the Franco-Prussian War, to 1940, when France was overrun by Nazi Germany during World War II, resulting in the German and Italian occupations of France...

  • Défense de la liberté individuelle (1957) (Defence of Personal Liberty)
  • Le journal d’un juge (1958) (Diary Of A Judge)
  • Le costume des avocats (1958) (The Suit Lawyers)
  • Histoires curieuses (1959) (Curious Histories)
  • Plaidoyer contre la censure, Jean-Jacques Pauvert (1963) on the trial of the Sade
    Marquis de Sade
    Donatien Alphonse François, Marquis de Sade was a French aristocrat, revolutionary politician, philosopher, and writer famous for his libertine sexuality and lifestyle...

  • L’Avocat et la morale (1963) (The Advocate and Morality)
  • Nouvelles histoires curieuses (1964) (Curious News Histories)
  • Lettre ouverte à la Justice (1966) (Open Letter To Justice)
  • Le Palais et l’Académie (1966) (The Palace and the Academy)

External links

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