Maurice Russell Brown
Maurice Russell Brown was a mining journalist.

Born in Port Arthur
Port Arthur, Ontario
Port Arthur was a city in Northern Ontario which amalgamated with Fort William and the townships of Neebing and McIntyre to form the city of Thunder Bay in January 1970. Port Arthur was the district seat of Thunder Bay District.- History :...

, now Thunder Bay
Thunder Bay
-In Canada:Thunder Bay is the name of three places in the province of Ontario, Canada along Lake Superior:*Thunder Bay District, Ontario, a district in Northwestern Ontario*Thunder Bay, a city in Thunder Bay District*Thunder Bay, Unorganized, Ontario...

, Ontario
Ontario is a province of Canada, located in east-central Canada. It is Canada's most populous province and second largest in total area. It is home to the nation's most populous city, Toronto, and the nation's capital, Ottawa....

, he graduated in 1938 from the University of Toronto with a B.Sc. in mining engineering. Mining instructor Lakehead Technical Institute 1947–1949. In 1949 he joined the staff of The Northern Miner
The Northern Miner
The Northern Miner is a weekly trade journal that reports on the mining industry. The Northern Miner began publication Cobalt, Ontario Canada in 1915, and has since moved publication to Toronto....

, Canada's most important mining journal, became editor in 1977 and publisher in 1985, retiring in 1992. Member of the Canadian Mining Hall of Fame
Canadian Mining Hall of Fame
The Canadian Mining Hall of Fame aims to recognize the accomplishments of leaders in the mining industry.It was conceived by Maurice R. Brown as a way to recognize and honor the legendary mine finders and builders of this Canadian industry. The Hall was established in 1988...


External links

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