Mayor of Princeton, New Jersey
Mayor of Princeton Borough, New Jersey:
  • Mildred T. Trotman (born 6 May 1941) circa 2011
  • Barbara Boggs Sigmund
    Barbara Boggs Sigmund
    Barbara Boggs Sigmund was a daughter of the powerful Democratic United States Representative Hale Boggs of Louisiana, and Lindy Boggs, who became a Congresswoman from Louisiana after her husband Hale died in an air crash....

     (1939-1990) 1983 to 1990.
  • Charles Rosenberry Erdman, Jr. (1897–1984) circa 1950
  • Charles Browne
    Charles Browne
    Charles Browne was an American Democratic Party politician who represented from 1923–1925.-Biography:...

     (1875–1947) 1914 to 1923
  • Alexander McWhorter Cumming circa 1800

Mayor of Princeton Township, New Jersey
Princeton Township, New Jersey
Also Princeton Borough is an independent municipality completely surrounded by the township.Princeton North is a census-designated place and unincorporated area located within Princeton Township....

  • Chad Goerner circa 2011
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