Melissa Kounnas
Melissa Kounnas is an Australian actress and television presenter. Melissa is best known for her role in the children's television series Professor Poopsnaggle and His Flying Zeppelin
Professor Poopsnagle's Steam Zeppelin
Professor Poopsnagle's Steam Zeppelin was a popular Australian children's television series and a spin-off from the 1984 series Secret Valley...

as Robyn.

Melissa has appeared in many Australian television series and commercials. She has appeared in the television series E Street
E Street
E Street is an Australian television soap opera created by Forrest Redlich and produced by the Ten Network from 1989 to 1993.Whereas Neighbours is set in a middle-class suburb, Home and Away in a seaside town, and Richmond Hill a semi-rural ordinary community, E Street was set in a tough inner-city...

and A Country Practice
A Country Practice
A Country Practice is an Australian television drama series. One of the longest-running of its kind, produced by James Davern of JNP Productions, it ran on the Seven Network for 1,058 episodes from 18 November 1981 to 22 November 1993. It was produced in ATN-7's production facility at Epping,...

and the movie Dating the Enemy
Dating the Enemy
Dating The Enemy is an Australian comedy about a boyfriend and girlfriend who swap bodies and have to live as each other.-Plot:One Valentine's evening a group of single, dateless friends get together to play Trivial Pursuit. Brett , a friend of the host from Melbourne, has just landed a job as...

. She currently is a television presenter for informercials such as Guthy Renker on morning television.

She is the brother of actor Mark Kounnas
Mark Kounnas
Mark Kounnas is an Australian actor and television presenter. Mark has had many acting roles on television and films and is probably best known for his role in Mad Max Beyond Thunderdome as Gekko...


External links

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