Melitaea britomartis
Assmann's Fritillary, Melitaea britomartis, is a butterfly in the family Nymphalidae
The Nymphalidae is a family of about 5,000 species of butterflies which are distributed throughout most of the world. These are usually medium sized to large butterflies. Most species have a reduced pair of forelegs and many hold their colourful wings flat when resting. They are also called...

It has a wide geographic range and is represented by three subspecies
Subspecies in biological classification, is either a taxonomic rank subordinate to species, ora taxonomic unit in that rank . A subspecies cannot be recognized in isolation: a species will either be recognized as having no subspecies at all or two or more, never just one...

  • M. b. britomartis Europe including the Balkans and Italy to North Kazakhstan and Altai
  • M. b. amurensis (Staudinger, 1892) Altais to Amur
  • M. b. latefascia (Fixsen, 1887) South Ussuri, Korea, Northe East China

The larva feeds on species of Plantago
Plantago is a genus of about 200 species of small, inconspicuous plants commonly called plantains. They share this name with the very dissimilar plantain, a kind of banana. Most are herbaceous plants, though a few are subshrubs growing to 60 cm tall. The leaves are sessile, but have a narrow...

 and Veronica
Veronica (plant)
Veronica is the largest genus in the flowering plant family Plantaginaceae, with about 500 species; it was formerly classified in the family Scrophulariaceae...


External links

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