Mike Chavez-Dawson
Mike Chavez-Dawson is an English
England is a country that is part of the United Kingdom. It shares land borders with Scotland to the north and Wales to the west; the Irish Sea is to the north west, the Celtic Sea to the south west, with the North Sea to the east and the English Channel to the south separating it from continental...

An artist is a person engaged in one or more of any of a broad spectrum of activities related to creating art, practicing the arts and/or demonstrating an art. The common usage in both everyday speech and academic discourse is a practitioner in the visual arts only...

 and curator
A curator is a manager or overseer. Traditionally, a curator or keeper of a cultural heritage institution is a content specialist responsible for an institution's collections and involved with the interpretation of heritage material...


Chavez-Dawson graduated from Manchester Metropolitan University
Manchester Metropolitan University
Manchester Metropolitan University is a university in North West England. Its headquarters and central campus is in the city of Manchester, but there are outlying facilities in the county of Cheshire. It is the third largest university in the United Kingdom in terms of student numbers, behind the...

, Interactive Arts BA (Hons) in 1997 and MA (Art as Environment) in 1999. He is attaining a PhD (by practice) research fellow at MIRIAD under the supervision of Dr. Patricia Allmer, Prof. Jim Aulich and Prof. John Hyatt. He was the Visual Arts Editor for Flux Magazine and founding curator for Flux Space for just over a decade.

Chavez-Dawson's work covers a number of disciplines including fine art & design, performance, music, curating and publishing. Collaborations with artist/writer Len Horsey have seen his interdisciplinary practice develop. Together they have devised a variety of performance & multi-part works titled Artours as live texts for numerous group exhibitions, projects and events.


  • 2011 'Notational Portrait(s) Performance Fig.1 Billy Childish
    Billy Childish
    Billy Childish is an English artist, painter, author, poet, photographer, film maker, singer and guitarist...

    , 18032011', Castlefield Gallery, Manchester
  • 2010 'Apophatic Pareidolia is a condition...', BEARSPACE, London
  • 2010 The Night of the Comet (Live Event), British Art Show
    British Art Show
    The British Art Show is a major survey exhibition organised every five years to showcase contemporary British Art. The current exhibition in the series, referred to as BAS6, is touring a number of major cities within England in 2005 and 2006. Each time it is organised, the show tours to three UK...

     7, Nottingham Contemporary, Nottingham
  • 2010 Re-Motive View(s), The Surreal House, Barbican Art Gallery, London
  • 2009 Title Murdered, Storey Gallery
    The Storey (Institute)
    Philanthropy was a feature of the Victorian era and Thomas Storey, Lancaster oilcloth tycoon, was a man of his time. He commissioned the construction of the Storey Institute to commemorate Queen Victoria's Golden Jubilee, in 1891 gifting the building to the people of Lancaster, England for their...

    , Lancaster
  • 2009 'Selling the Psycho-Geographical Breakdown', Whitworth Art Gallery
    Whitworth Art Gallery
    The Whitworth Art Gallery is an art gallery in Manchester, England, containing about 55,000 items in its collection. The museum is located south of the Manchester University campus, in Whitworth Park....

    , Manchester
  • 2009 'A bANdA dA' (Altermodern: Tate Triennial 2009, Shezad Dawood
    Shezad Dawood
    Shezad Dawood is an artist based in London.Dawood was born in London. His multi-media works are inspired by his varied cultural heritage, having a Pakistani mother, Indian father and an Irish stepmother...

     Selects for Late at Tate Britain), TATE Britain
    Tate Britain
    Tate Britain is an art gallery situated on Millbank in London, and part of the Tate gallery network in Britain, with Tate Modern, Tate Liverpool and Tate St Ives. It is the oldest gallery in the network, opening in 1897. It houses a substantial collection of the works of J. M. W. Turner.-History:It...

    , London
  • 2008 'The Remarkable Apperception, (The Market Place Requires Heykll & Jybe)', Embassy, Edinburgh, Scotland
  • 2008 The Mind Projected Cinema, Whitstable Biennale, Whitstable, Kent
  • 2007 Mr. Nature-Bold as The Mariachi (Feature - Shezad Dawood
    Shezad Dawood
    Shezad Dawood is an artist based in London.Dawood was born in London. His multi-media works are inspired by his varied cultural heritage, having a Pakistani mother, Indian father and an Irish stepmother...

    ), Wysing Art Centre, Cambridge
  • 2003 'Essential Phenomena, (Lavish Conviction, Part 2)', VTO, London

Curated projects

  • 2011 Magda Archer: Crazy Mad, Cornerhouse, Manchester
  • 2011 Re-Covering and The Reading, Untitled Gallery, Manchester
  • 2010 Unrealised Potential
    Unrealised Projects
    Unrealised Projects is an artist run web-based project established in London by Sam Ely and Lynn Harris in 2003. Unrealised Projects investigates the potential of unrecognised, unfinished or unfulfilled ideas...

    , Cornerhouse, Manchester
  • 2009 The Kiss of a Lifetime (Part 2), VANE (As part of the Northern Print Biennale), Newcastle

External links

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