Mikoyan-Gurevich I-3

Source criticism

The sources generally agree on which airframes from the I-3 program that was rebuilt (I-3 into I-3U). But one of the external links says it was I-3P that was rebuilt into I-3U. The sources all agree on that the I-3 is the same as the I-380 (using the old design bureau designation series), but they all disagree on the (old) designations for the I-3P and the I-3U. One says that the I-3U was the I-400 while another uses I-410 for the I-3U and also puts the label I-5 on it. One source even uses the I-420 designation for the later I-7U. The online source and the external links all use I-410 for the I-3P and I-420 for the I-3U.

External links

  • http://wp.scn.ru/mig_okb/planes-exp-i380
  • http://wp.scn.ru/mig_okb/planes-exp-i410
  • http://wp.scn.ru/mig_okb/planes-exp-i420
The source of this article is wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.  The text of this article is licensed under the GFDL.