Ardor is a
2002 South Korean film directed by Byun Young-Ju. It stars Yunjin Kim of
LostLost is an American television series that originally aired on ABC from September 22, 2004 to May 23, 2010, consisting of six seasons. Lost is a drama series that follows the survivors of the crash of a commercial passenger jet flying between Sydney and Los Angeles, on a mysterious tropical island...
It's Christmas Eve; Mi-heun is spending a quiet evening at home with her husband, while their daughter sleeps in the next room. The doorbell rings, and in walks one of her husband's former students; within minutes this woman is all over her husband, begging him to continue their affair. Suddenly, violently, Mi-heun's world is turned upside down. Director Byun, acclaimed for her documentaries, makes a powerful feature debut with this unsettling look at one woman's attempt to re-build her life after all she believed to be true evaporates around her. Yunjin Kim is extraordinary in the lead role, creating a character that seems as mysterious to her as does to those around her.
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