Milton Keynes Brass
Milton Keynes Brass is a brass band
Brass band
A brass band is a musical ensemble generally consisting entirely of brass instruments, most often with a percussion section. Ensembles that include brass and woodwind instruments can in certain traditions also be termed brass bands , but are usually more correctly termed military bands, concert...

 based in Milton Keynes
Milton Keynes
Milton Keynes , sometimes abbreviated MK, is a large town in Buckinghamshire, in the south east of England, about north-west of London. It is the administrative centre of the Borough of Milton Keynes...

, UK. It was founded in 1984 and was known until 2007 as Broseley Brass. This former name derived from that of its original commercial sponsors Broseley estates limited
Broseley Estates Limited
Broseley Estates Limited, also referred to as Broseley Homes, was formed by Danny Horrocks after an amalgamation of developers and was owned for most of its history by the insurance company Royal Exchange...

 who were house builders active during the early development of Milton Keynes
Milton Keynes
Milton Keynes , sometimes abbreviated MK, is a large town in Buckinghamshire, in the south east of England, about north-west of London. It is the administrative centre of the Borough of Milton Keynes...


MK Brass maintains a schedule of concert and contest engagements and has undertaken tours of France
The French Republic , The French Republic , The French Republic , (commonly known as France , is a unitary semi-presidential republic in Western Europe with several overseas territories and islands located on other continents and in the Indian, Pacific, and Atlantic oceans. Metropolitan France...

 and Switzerland
Switzerland name of one of the Swiss cantons. ; ; ; or ), in its full name the Swiss Confederation , is a federal republic consisting of 26 cantons, with Bern as the seat of the federal authorities. The country is situated in Western Europe,Or Central Europe depending on the definition....

. It produced its first CD, "Broseley Bandstand", in 2004.

The band became London and Southern Counties 1st Section
Brass Band Sections in Britain
There are five main brass band sections in the United Kingdom: Championship, First, Second, Third, and Fourth. The top bands are in the Championship section, and the bottom ones are in the Fourth section...

 Champions in March 2007 and subsequently represented the region in the National Finals contest in Harrogate. MK Brass was promoted to the Championship Section for 2008. In its first appearance in the Area content in 2008 Milton Keynes Brass was placed 3rd, and later in 2008 won the South West of England Open Championship.

The band celebrates its 25th Anniversary in 2009, and is anxious to make contact with former members, not only throughout the UK, but those ex-players who have moved further afield to Japan, Australia and New Zealand

The band is a registered charity with educational objectives. In addition to the main contesting band, it runs a second band, MK Development Brass, which competes in the 4th Section.

External links

MK Brass Web Site
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