Mircea Basarab
Mircea Basarab is a fictional character
Fictional character
A character is the representation of a person in a narrative work of art . Derived from the ancient Greek word kharaktêr , the earliest use in English, in this sense, dates from the Restoration, although it became widely used after its appearance in Tom Jones in 1749. From this, the sense of...

 in The Cassandra Palmer series
The Cassandra Palmer series
The Cassandra Palmer series is a set of fantasy novels written by Karen Chance. The series tells the story of a young woman named Cassie Palmer, a powerful clairvoyant who has the ability to communicate with the spirit realm.-Novels:...

 written by Karen Chance
Karen Chance
Karen Chance is an urban fantasy novelist. She grew up in Orlando, Florida. She has lived in France, Great Britain, Hong Kong and New Orleans, where she has taught history...

. He was a prince in Romania before he was cursed to be a vampire around 500 years ago. He had two brothers, Radu and Vlad. Mircea and his father were killed by nobles from Wallachia. His father was scalped and he was blinded by having his eyes branded and then he was buried alive. As he had recently been cursed with vampirism he was able to climb his way out of the grave. While he was a new vampire, he fathered a dhampir
A Dhampir in Balkan folklore is the child of a vampire father and a human mother. The term is sometimes spelled dhampyre, dhamphir, or dhampyr. Dhampir powers are similar to those of vampires, but without the usual weaknesses...

 (half vampire, half human) child. He gave the mother money and left. He didn't know of his child Dorina's existence until after the mother died. He turned his brother Radu and his dying tutor, Horatiu into vampires. When he reached master level, he made a new family by turning humans. He is now the family patriarch and has a very dysfunctional relationship with his dhampir daughter, Dorina.

He met Cassie Palmer
Cassie Palmer
Cassie Palmer is a fictional character in the Cassandra Palmer series of novels written by novelist Karen Chance. Her first appearance is in Touch the Dark, the first book in the series....

when he went to Tony’s on a visit because he is Tony’s sire. He believed she might become the Pythia one day, so when she ran away, he tried to protect her and make sure she wasn't killed. He is a Senate member and the chief negotiator in the North American Vampire Senate.
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