Misty Pass
Misty Pass is a pass, 700 m high, between the head of Broad Valley
Broad Valley
Broad Valley is a descriptive name for the broad glacier-filled valley on the south side of Laclavere Plateau, Trinity Peninsula. The name was suggested by V.I. Russell of the Falkland Islands Dependencies Survey following his survey in 1946....

 and Ogoya Glacier
Ogoya Glacier
Ogoya Glacier is the 8 km long and 3 km wide glacier on Trinity Peninsula, Antarctic Peninsula. Situated west-northwest of Laclavère Plateau, northwest of Broad Valley and northeast of Sestrimo Glacier...

 descending north to Bransfield Strait
Bransfield Strait
Bransfield Strait is a body of water about wide extending for in a general northeast-southwest direction between the South Shetland Islands and Antarctic Peninsula. It was named in about 1825 by James Weddell, Master, Royal Navy, for Edward Bransfield, Master, RN, who charted the South Shetland...

, situated 8 nautical miles (15 km) southeast of Cape Ducorps
Cape Ducorps
Cape Ducorps is a point marking the north end of Cockerell Peninsula on the north coast of Trinity Peninsula. Discovered by a French expedition, 1837–40, under Captain Jules Dumont d'Urville, and named by him for Louis Ducorps, a member of the expedition....

 on Trinity Peninsula
Trinity Peninsula
Trinity Peninsula is the extreme northern portion of the Antarctic Peninsula, extending northeastward for about from a line connecting Cape Kjellman and Cape Longing. Dating back more than a century, chartmakers used various names for this portion of the Antarctic peninsula, each name having some...

. Mapped by the Falkland Islands Dependencies Survey (FIDS) in 1946, and so named because clouds pouring east through the pass had been noted by the survey party to herald bad weather.


  • Trinity Peninsula. Scale 1:250000 topographic map. Institut für Angewandte Geodäsie and British Antarctic Survey, 1996.
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