Mjolnir LLC
There are two known Mjolnir LLC organizations - a Mjolnir LLC from Florida, that is an information services provider and does business under the Mjolnir LLC brand; and a Mjolnir LLC that does business as Iron Crown Enterprises
Iron Crown Enterprises
Iron Crown Enterprises was a publisher of role playing, board, miniature battle, and collectible card games.ICE was incorporated in 1980 shortly after the principal founders graduated from the University of Virginia...

 (ICE) and licenses that name and the other gaming property of the original Iron Crown Enterprises from Aurigas Aldebaron LLC, who purchased ICE's assets from bankruptcty.

In 2003, the gaming Mjolnir released a new role-playing game
Role-playing game
A role-playing game is a game in which players assume the roles of characters in a fictional setting. Players take responsibility for acting out these roles within a narrative, either through literal acting, or through a process of structured decision-making or character development...

High Adventure Role Playing
High Adventure Role Playing is a fantasy role-playing game, designed by Tim Dugger & Heike A. Kubash, and published by Iron Crown Enterprises .- Background :...

 ("High Adventure Role Playing"), marketed as a simplified version of Rolemaster
Rolemaster is a role-playing game published by Iron Crown Enterprises. Rolemaster has come in four separate editions. The 3rd edition, first published in 1995, is also known as the "Rolemaster Standard System" . There are two editions currently in production...


External links

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