Mom, I Need to be a Girl
Mom, I Need to be a Girl by Just Evelyn is a true story about Danielle Lindenmuth (born Daniel), a transsexual woman who began her transition
Transitioning (transgender)
Transitioning is the process of changing one's gender presentation to accord with one's internal sense of one's gender - the idea of what it means to be a man or woman...

 from male to female at 15, and completed sex reassignment surgery
Sex reassignment surgery male-to-female
Sex reassignment surgery from male to female involves reshaping the male genitals into a form with the appearance of and, as far as possible, the function of female genitalia. Prior to any surgeries, trans women usually undergo hormone replacement therapy and facial hair removal...

 at 18, with the help of her mother and older brothers. This story, written by Danielle's mother, is available free of charge online, and printed copies are available from some bookstores and online sources.

'Just' Evelyn, according to the book, now works as an electrologist
In chemistry and manufacturing, electrolysis is a method of using a direct electric current to drive an otherwise non-spontaneous chemical reaction...

. Danielle now seems to have little to no involvement with the transsexual community.


  • "Is a mother's love enough?" - Just Evelyn
  • "I would never wear your funky old clothes, you are a woman and can do all those things, and yet you don't. That's such a waste!" - Danielle Lindenmuth

External links

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