Mondo Enduro
Mondo Enduro was a round-the-world adventure motorcycle expedition in 1995-1996. Team members Austin Vince
Austin Vince
Austin Vince is best known for his long distance adventure motorcycle expeditions: twice round the world as part of the Mondo Enduro and Terra Circa trips....

, Gerald Vince, Chas Penty, Bill Penty, Clive Greenhough, Nick Stubley and Mark Friend set off to go round the world by the longest route possible in the shortest time.

Their route took them from London, through Central Asia, Kazakhstan and Siberia; then from Alaska to Chile and finally from Cape Town through Africa and the Middle East back to London.

The expedition was filmed and was subsequently made into a 2 part TV series. Shown on Discovery Travel and Adventure Channel over 40 times, this has since reached cult status amongst biking and adventure travel fans.

The real difficulties in the expedition came in the Zilov Gap
Zilov Gap
The Zilov Gap was a 400 mile roadless section in Central Siberia where there was no east-west road - the only communication was via the Trans-Siberian Railway...

, the 400 mile roadless section in Siberia. The team got bogged down here and eventually ended up taking the Trans-Siberian railroad and then river barge to circumvent this problem.

As well as a cult TV show and DVD, the expedition diaries (ISBN 1-904466-28-1) are a fascinating account of a round-the-world expedition done on a shoestring, with rough camping the order of the day.


  • Vince, Austin; Bloom, Louis et al. (2006) Mondo Enduro. Ripping ISBN 1-904466-28-1.

Other references

  • Mondo Enduro (DVD), Aimimage Productions, (2003). ASIN: B000KNC0ZU.
  • Times Educational Supplement Magazine, 23 March 2007, pp8–10.

External links

  • — official website.
  • — The official website of Aimimage, the company that produces the Austin Vince travel adventure DVDs.
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