Montagudet is a commune in the Tarn-et-Garonne
Tarn-et-Garonne is a French department in the southwest of France. It is traversed by the Rivers Tarn and Garonne, from which it takes its name.-History:...

 department in the Midi-Pyrénées
Midi-Pyrénées is the largest region of metropolitan France by area, larger than the Netherlands or Denmark.Midi-Pyrénées has no historical or geographical unity...

Régions of France
France is divided into 27 administrative regions , 22 of which are in Metropolitan France, and five of which are overseas. Corsica is a territorial collectivity , but is considered a region in mainstream usage, and is even shown as such on the INSEE website...

 in southern France
The French Republic , The French Republic , The French Republic , (commonly known as France , is a unitary semi-presidential republic in Western Europe with several overseas territories and islands located on other continents and in the Indian, Pacific, and Atlantic oceans. Metropolitan France...



The Séoune
The Séoune is a long river in the Lot, Tarn-et-Garonne and Lot-et-Garonne départements, southwestern France. Its source is at Sauzet. It flows generally southwest...

 forms part of the commune's northern border. The Barguelonnette
The Barguelonnette is a long river in the Lot and Tarn-et-Garonne départements, southwestern France. Its source is at Villesèque. It flows generally southwest...

forms most of the commune's southern border.
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