Montserrat Tura i Camafreita
Montserrat Tura is a Catalan
Catalonia is an autonomous community in northeastern Spain, with the official status of a "nationality" of Spain. Catalonia comprises four provinces: Barcelona, Girona, Lleida, and Tarragona. Its capital and largest city is Barcelona. Catalonia covers an area of 32,114 km² and has an...

 politician and Member of the Parliament of Catalonia
Parliament of Catalonia
The Parliament of Catalonia is the unicameral legislature of Catalonia. It is formed by 135 members , who are elected every four years in ordinary period, or extraordinarily upon dissolution and call of elections by the President of Catalonia, by universal suffrage in proportional lists with four...

. From 29 November 2006 to 29 December 2010, she had served as Minister of Justice of Catalonia. She is considered as one of the most prominent members of the Catalanist wing of the Socialists' Party of Catalonia
Socialists' Party of Catalonia
The Socialists' Party of Catalonia is a social-democratic political party in Catalonia, Spain resulting from the merge of two parties PSC Reagrupament led by Josep Pallach i Carolà and PSC Comgres. It is the Catalan referent of the Spanish Socialist Workers' Party , and its Aranese section is...

. She is married with two daughters.

Life overview

She was born in Mollet del Vallès
Mollet del Vallès
Mollet del Vallès is a municipality in the comarca of the Vallès Oriental in Catalonia, Spain. It is situated in the valley of the Besòs river, and is an important communications hub from Barcelona towards the north: the AP-7 Motorway passes through the municipality, as do the RENFE railway lines...

 (Province of Barcelona) into a country family strongly defined by its political activity in support of liberty, democracy and Catalanism. Her uncle was member of the Republican Left of Catalonia and mayor of the town during the Second Republic; her great grandfather was also mayor in the 1910s, and prominent member of the Catalan Regionalist League. The cousin of her father, Jordi Solé Tura
Jordi Solé Tura
Jordi Solé Tura was a Spanish politician, jurist and one of the co-authors and "Fathers" of the Spanish Constitution of 1978 following Spain's move to democracy....

, was a prominent Catalan Communist
Unified Socialist Party of Catalonia
The Unified Socialist Party of Catalonia , was formed on July 23, 1936 through the unification of four left-wing groups; the Catalan Federation of Spanish Socialist Workers' Party , the Partit Comunista de Catalunya , the Unió Socialista de Catalunya and the...


She was linked to anti-Francoist
Francisco Franco
Francisco Franco y Bahamonde was a Spanish general, dictator and head of state of Spain from October 1936 , and de facto regent of the nominally restored Kingdom of Spain from 1947 until his death in November, 1975...

 organisations from a very early age. Clandestinely active since she was sixteen and in the first years of the transition after Franco’s death, she took part in university movements and in a number of environmentalist and leftist groups.

After graduating with degrees in Medicine
Medicine is the science and art of healing. It encompasses a variety of health care practices evolved to maintain and restore health by the prevention and treatment of illness....

 and Surgery
Surgery is an ancient medical specialty that uses operative manual and instrumental techniques on a patient to investigate and/or treat a pathological condition such as disease or injury, or to help improve bodily function or appearance.An act of performing surgery may be called a surgical...

 from the University of Barcelona
University of Barcelona
The University of Barcelona is a public university located in the city of Barcelona, Catalonia in Spain. It is a member of the Coimbra Group, LERU, European University Association, Mediterranean Universities Union, International Research Universities Network and Vives Network...

, she combined medical practice with her specialisation in health care management and economics. In 1981, she started practicing at Palamós
Palamós is a town and municipality in the Mediterranean Costa Brava, located in the comarca of Baix Empordà, in the province of Girona, Catalonia, Spain....

 Hospital, and was appointed General Director the following year. During her time as Medical Director and General Director, she also oversaw the planning and construction of a new hospital.

Except for the time she worked in Palamós, Tura has always lived in Mollet
Mollet del Vallès
Mollet del Vallès is a municipality in the comarca of the Vallès Oriental in Catalonia, Spain. It is situated in the valley of the Besòs river, and is an important communications hub from Barcelona towards the north: the AP-7 Motorway passes through the municipality, as do the RENFE railway lines...


Political background

In 1979, she joined the Socialists' Party of Catalonia
Socialists' Party of Catalonia
The Socialists' Party of Catalonia is a social-democratic political party in Catalonia, Spain resulting from the merge of two parties PSC Reagrupament led by Josep Pallach i Carolà and PSC Comgres. It is the Catalan referent of the Spanish Socialist Workers' Party , and its Aranese section is...

 (the Catalan sister party of the Spanish Socialist Workers' Party
Spanish Socialist Workers' Party
The Spanish Socialist Workers' Party is a social-democratic political party in Spain. Its political position is Centre-left. The PSOE is the former ruling party of Spain, until beaten in the elections of November 2011 and the second oldest, exceeded only by the Partido Carlista, founded in...

) and has been a member of the national leadership since 1990.

She was Mayoress of Mollet
Mollet del Vallès
Mollet del Vallès is a municipality in the comarca of the Vallès Oriental in Catalonia, Spain. It is situated in the valley of the Besòs river, and is an important communications hub from Barcelona towards the north: the AP-7 Motorway passes through the municipality, as do the RENFE railway lines...

 from 30 June 1987 to 21 December 2003, a time when the city underwent an extraordinary transformation from both the urban and sociocultural point of view. It was an Olympic site in the 1992 Barcelona Games and commemorated its Millennium in 1993. Some flagship projects during her office are the Museu Municipal Joan Abelló, the Parc dels Colors, by architect Enric Miralles
Enric Miralles
Enric Miralles Moya was a Spanish Catalan architect. He graduated from the School of Architecture of Barcelona at the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya in 1978. After establishing his reputation with a number of collaborations with his first wife Carme Pinós, the couple separated in 1991...

, and the new Town Hall.

During this time, she also held the following posts:
  • County Councillor for Vallès Oriental (1988–1991)
  • President of the Consortium for the Defence of the Besòs River Basin (1993–1995)
  • Member of the Executive Committee of the Federation of Municipalities of Catalonia (FMC)
  • President of the Group of Socialist and Progressive Local Representatives of Catalonia (1993–1995)
  • President of the various independent municipal agencies
  • President of the Private Foundation for Environmental Studies
    Environmental studies
    Environmental studies is the academic field which systematically studies human interaction with the environment. It is a broad interdisciplinary field of study that includes the natural environment, built environment, and the sets of relationships between them...

     of Mollet del Vallès
    Mollet del Vallès
    Mollet del Vallès is a municipality in the comarca of the Vallès Oriental in Catalonia, Spain. It is situated in the valley of the Besòs river, and is an important communications hub from Barcelona towards the north: the AP-7 Motorway passes through the municipality, as do the RENFE railway lines...

    , in charge of managing the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya for the environment, a college attached to the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona.

She has the following responsibilities in her party:
  • President of the Local Group of Mollet
  • Member of the National Executive Committee of the Socialists' Party of Catalonia
    Socialists' Party of Catalonia
    The Socialists' Party of Catalonia is a social-democratic political party in Catalonia, Spain resulting from the merge of two parties PSC Reagrupament led by Josep Pallach i Carolà and PSC Comgres. It is the Catalan referent of the Spanish Socialist Workers' Party , and its Aranese section is...

  • National Secretary for the Environment

She was elected Member of the Catalan Parliament in the 1995 regional elections and re-elected in 1999 and 2003. As an MP, she has been on the Regional Policy, Economy, Finances and Budgets committees, and she was Vice President of the Organisation and Administration of the Regional Assembly and Local Government committee. In the sixth term of office, she was spokesperson for the Socialists - Citizens for Change parliamentary group and part of its management committee. In January 2004, she resigned her seat.

On January 12, 2010, Tura announced she intends to run for mayor of Barcelona
Barcelona is the second largest city in Spain after Madrid, and the capital of Catalonia, with a population of 1,621,537 within its administrative limits on a land area of...

 representing PSC. She will face in the PSC's primaries, at least, the incumbent mayor Jordi Hereu.

External links

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