Mount Cooke (Western Australia)
Mount Cooke, near Jarrahdale, Western Australia
Jarrahdale, Western Australia
Jarrahdale is a small historic town located 50 km south-east of Perth, Western Australia in the Darling Range. Jarrahdale is a descriptive name, derived from its situation in some of Western Australia's best Jarrah forest...

 is the highest point on the Darling Scarp
Darling Scarp
The Darling Scarp, also referred to as the Darling Range or Darling Ranges, is a low escarpment running north-south to the east of the Swan Coastal Plain and Perth, Western Australia...

 at 582 metres. It was named after William Ernest Cooke
William Ernest Cooke
William Ernest Cooke , generally referred to as "W. Ernest Cooke" or informally "Ernest Cooke", was an Australian astronomer, credited with a number of important scientific breakthroughs and improved methodologies in astronomical observations and star cataloguing...

, Western Australia's first Government Astronomer, from 1896-1911.

Mount Cooke is well known for its walk track which is part of the Bibbulmun Track
Bibbulmun Track
The Bibbulmun Track is a long distance walk trail in Western Australia. It runs from Kalamunda, east of Perth to Albany and is almost 1000 km long...

. The Bibbulmun walk track leads from a parking and picnic area, and goes thousands of metres through the Jarrah
Eucalyptus marginata is one of the most common species of Eucalyptus tree in the southwest of Western Australia. The tree and the wood are usually referred to by the Aboriginal name Jarrah...

 forest, coloured with a host of wildflowers in all seasons, to the summit of Mount Cooke.

Mount Cooke is within the Monadnocks Conservation Park and administered by the Department of Environment and Conservation.
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