Mount Meader
Mount Meader, elevation 2782 feet (848 m), is a mountain in the Baldface-Royce Range
Baldface-Royce Range
The Baldface-Royce Range is a range of mountains in western Maine and eastern New Hampshire. They are located in the town of Chatham, New Hampshire and the townships of Bean's Purchase, New Hampshire and Batchelders Grant, Maine, in the eastern part of the White Mountains.-Mountains in the...

, located in Coos County, New Hampshire
Coos County, New Hampshire
-National protected areas:*Umbagog National Wildlife Refuge *Silvio O. Conte National Fish and Wildlife Refuge *White Mountain National Forest -Demographics:...

. It is reached by the Basin Rim, Mount Meader, and Meader Ridge trails. It is flanked to the southwest by Eagle Crag, and to the northeast by West Royce Mountain.
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