Mountain Stream Tree Frog
The Mountain Stream Tree Frog, (Litoria barringtonensis) is a species of tree frog
Tree frog
Hylidae is a wide-ranging family of frogs commonly referred to as "tree frogs and their allies". However, the hylids include a diversity of frog species, many of which do not live in trees, but are terrestrial or semi-aquatic.-Characteristics:...

 native to highland areas of NSW, Australia
Australia , officially the Commonwealth of Australia, is a country in the Southern Hemisphere comprising the mainland of the Australian continent, the island of Tasmania, and numerous smaller islands in the Indian and Pacific Oceans. It is the world's sixth-largest country by total area...

 stretching from the Myall Lakes
Myall Lakes
The Myall Lakes are a series of fresh water lakes on the mid-north coast of New South Wales, Australia in Great Lakes Council. The lakes are adjacent to the coast about north of Sydney....

 area, north to around Dorrigo National Park
Dorrigo National Park
Dorrigo National Park is a national park in New South Wales , 580 km north of Sydney on Dome Road off the Waterfall Way, 5 km east of the town of Dorrigo....

 and west to Barrington Tops National Park
Barrington Tops National Park
Barrington Tops is a National Park in the Hunter Valley, approximately north of Sydney in New South Wales, Australia. The nearest towns are Scone, Singleton, Dungog, Gloucester and East Gresford....



The Mountain Stream Tree Frog, (Litoria barringtonensis) may be conspecific to the Pearson's Green Tree Frog
Pearson's Green Tree Frog
The Pearson's Tree Frog, is a species of tree frog that inhabits rainforest creeks in from north of Lismore, New South Wales to Kenilworth, Queensland with a disjunct population at Kroombit Tops Queensland, Australia.-Taxonomy:...

, (Litoria pearsoniana). Morphological differences have not been fully studied yet, however visible physical differences between frogs from Barrington Tops and Dorrigo, New South Wales
Dorrigo, New South Wales
Dorrigo is a small town located on the Waterfall Way in northern New South Wales, Australia. It is approximately 580 kilometres north of the state capital, Sydney via the Pacific Highway, and 60 kilometres from the coastal city of Coffs Harbour. The town is situated on the Dorrigo Plateau near the...

 in comparison to frogs from south-eastern Queensland
Queensland is a state of Australia, occupying the north-eastern section of the mainland continent. It is bordered by the Northern Territory, South Australia and New South Wales to the west, south-west and south respectively. To the east, Queensland is bordered by the Coral Sea and Pacific Ocean...

 and northern NSW are discussed in a key on the Leaf Green Tree Frog
Leaf Green Tree Frog
The Leaf Green Tree Frog is a species of stream-dwelling frog, native to eastern Australia from the Queensland/New South Wales border south to Sydney.-Physical description:...

 page. These are representative of frogs described as L. barringtonensis and L. pearsoniana.

Physical description

The Mountain Stream Tree Frog is a relatively small tree frog growing up to 45 mm in length. It is light green to dark/olive green on the dorsal surface and sometimes brown morphs are encountered. The thighs are a mango-yellow colour and the belly is off-white. There is a pale brown (almost light yellow) stripe that runs from the nostril, through the eye, over the tympanum and down to the shoulder where the line widens and dissipates. Randomly placed black dots are scattered over the dorsal surface. Metamorphs closely resemble the adults although they are mostly brown in colour. The tadpoles of the L. phyllochroa complex (Leaf Green Tree Frog
Leaf Green Tree Frog
The Leaf Green Tree Frog is a species of stream-dwelling frog, native to eastern Australia from the Queensland/New South Wales border south to Sydney.-Physical description:...

 L. phyllochroa, Pearson's Green Tree Frog
Pearson's Green Tree Frog
The Pearson's Tree Frog, is a species of tree frog that inhabits rainforest creeks in from north of Lismore, New South Wales to Kenilworth, Queensland with a disjunct population at Kroombit Tops Queensland, Australia.-Taxonomy:...

 L. pearsoniana, Southern Leaf Green Tree Frog
Southern Leaf Green Tree Frog
The Southern Leaf Green Tree Frog is a species of tree frog native to coastal areas and the ranges of south-eastern Australia. It is distributed from just south of Sydney to eastern Victoria.-Physical description:...

 L. nudidigitus and Mountain Stream Tree Frog L. barringtonensis) are very similar in appearance and are very hard to tell apart. Range is best used to distinguish the species.

Ecology and behaviour

This species inhabits flowing creeks in mountainous areas, in rainforests and adjacent wet sclerophyll forests, as its name suggests. Males call from stream side vegetation during spring and summer, the call is similar to that of Litoria phyllochroa.

This species is rarely described in field guides due to its similarity to the Pearson’s Green Tree Frog and due to the taxonomy being under review.

As a pet

It is kept as a pet, in Australia this animal may be kept in captivity with the appropriate permit.
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