Mpisekhaya Ngangomhlaba Sigcawu
Mpisekhaya Ngangomhlaba Sigcawu was the 9th paramount chief of the Gcaleka
The Gcaleka are a major sub-group of the Xhosa found in the Transkei area of the Eastern Cape. Their counterparts in Ciskei are the Rharhabe.The Gcaleka kingdom was founded by Gcaleka kaPhalo, who became chief in 1775....

 sub-group of the Xhosa nation from 1923
1923 in South Africa
-Events:* Natives Act imposes segregation in towns* The South African National Congress changes its name to African National Congress* The Electricity Supply Commission is established in terms of the Electricity Act No...

 to the 2 June 1933. His father was Salukaphathwa Gwebi'nkumbi Sigcawu
Salukaphathwa Gwebi'nkumbi Sigcawu
Salukaphathwa Gwebi'nkumbi Sigcawu was the 7th chief of the Gcaleka sub-group of the Xhosa nation from 1902 until his death on the 30 May 1921. His father was Sigcawu ka Sarili....


Mpisekhaya died on the 2 June 1933
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