Muhammad Ibrahim Habsade
Muhammad Ibrahim Habsade is former rebel soldier of the Rahanweyn Resistance Army
Rahanweyn Resistance Army
The Rahanweyn Resistance Army , also known as the Reewin Resistance Army, is an autonomist militant group operating in the two southwestern regions of Somalia, Bay and Bakool. It was the first Reewin armed faction to emerge during the Somali civil war...

, former Minister of Land and Air Transport, and current Minister of Agriculture in the Somali
Somalia , officially the Somali Republic and formerly known as the Somali Democratic Republic under Socialist rule, is a country located in the Horn of Africa. Since the outbreak of the Somali Civil War in 1991 there has been no central government control over most of the country's territory...

 Transitional Federal Government.

Mohamed Ibrahim Habsade was born in Toosweyne village of Berdale district of Bay region
Bay, Somalia
Bay is an administrative region in southern Somalia.-Overview:It is bordered by the Somalian regions of Bakool, Lower Shabele, Middle Juba and Gedo....

. He served in the military of Siad Barre
Siad Barre
Mohamed Siad Barre was the military dictator and President of the Somali Democratic Republic from 1969 to 1991. During his rule, he styled himself as Jaalle Siyaad ....

 and was located in northern region of Somalia, mainly in Hargeisa
Hargeisa is a city in the northwestern Woqooyi Galbeed region of Somalia. With a population of approximately 2 million residents, it is the second largest city in the country. Hargeisa is the capital of Somaliland, a self-declared republic that is internationally recognized as an autonomous region...

 and Buro. He follows the Sufi sect of Islam, particularly Sheikh Banani Tariqah. He was among the leaders who laid the foudations of Rahanweyn Resistance Army
Rahanweyn Resistance Army
The Rahanweyn Resistance Army , also known as the Reewin Resistance Army, is an autonomist militant group operating in the two southwestern regions of Somalia, Bay and Bakool. It was the first Reewin armed faction to emerge during the Somali civil war...

 (RRA), established in Jafay in the outskirts of Berdale district late 1995.

Prior to Aideed's invasion of Baidoa
Baidoa is a city in south-central Somalia, situated by road northwest of the capital Mogadishu. It is the capital of the Bay region, which is traditionally inhabited by the Digil and Mirifle clans....

 on 17 September 1995, the Leysan sub-clan of larger Rahanweyn
The Rahanweyn is a Somali clan, composed of two major sub-clans, the Digil and the Mirifle. It makes up about 17% of the population of Somalia, and is one of the five major Somali clans residing in the Horn of Africa.-Overview:The Digil sub-clan mainly consists of farmers and coastal people, while...

 clan were almost all the employees of the UNOSOM
UNOSOM may refer to:* UNOSOM I* UNOSOM II* UNITAF* Operation Provide Relief See also Operation Deliverance, the concurrent Canadian operation...

 and the relief Service Organisation. The Al- Ahli Company, run by Aliyow Wardere from the Leysan subclan and his partner Sharif Hassan Sheikh Adan whose mother is from Leysan, had monopoly power in signing contract with the Relief Service Organisation whıch were stationed in Baidoa to offer aid to the victims of the famine which hit the area between Juba
Jubaland , also known as Azania or the Juba Valley and formerly as Trans-Juba , is an autonomous region in southern Somalia. Its eastern border lies 40–60 km east of the Jubba River, stretching from Gedo to the Indian Ocean, while its western side flanks the North Eastern Province in...

 and Shabelle Regions of Somalia.

Thus most of the Relief Services Organisation employees were from the Leysan; Catholic Relief Services
Catholic Relief Services
Catholic Relief Services is the international humanitarian agency of the Catholic community in the United States. Founded in 1943 by the U.S. bishops, the agency provides assistance to 130 million people in more than 90 countries and territories in Africa, Asia, Latin America, the Middle East and...

 was a good example of this. It made the other Rahanwien subclans feel marginalised, and this prompted frequent clashes between the Leysan and Harin, Leysan and Jiron, and eventually Leysan and Eelay in September 1995. The Leysan captured the Elaay inhabited town of Buurhakaba
-Overview:Burhakaba is the largest town in the region, with a reported population of 28,000 people. The town is named after a large hill that surrounds it.-References:*...

. The Eelay elders resorted to Mohamed Farah Aidid and asked him to attack Baidoa. As a result of this Baidoa fell in the hands of Aideed on a Sunday morning on 17 September 1995. Most of the Rahanwein clans initially welcomed Aideed with the exception of the Leysan and Hadame. The Harin and Elaay sided with Aideed. The ousted leaders of the Leysan including Habsade resorted to armed resistance to free Baidoa from Aideed, and together with other Rahanwein politicians founded RRA in Jaffay and appointed Abdullahi Mohamoud Leysan (Abdullahi Tawo) the chairman.

Mr. Habsade opposed the then leader of RRA, Mr.Abdulahi Tawo. According to Habsade's view point, his subclan, Leysan, which was accused of marginalising the other subclans of Rahanwein during the presence of UNOSOM
UNOSOM may refer to:* UNOSOM I* UNOSOM II* UNITAF* Operation Provide Relief See also Operation Deliverance, the concurrent Canadian operation...

, was the target of Aideed's invasion of Baidoa
Baidoa is a city in south-central Somalia, situated by road northwest of the capital Mogadishu. It is the capital of the Bay region, which is traditionally inhabited by the Digil and Mirifle clans....

. Therefore, he viewed that without the help of other Rahanwein subclans, they will not achieve their goals of liberating Baidoa. He opposed Abdullahi Tawo and worked hard to appoint Col. Hasan Muhammad Nur Shatigadud
Hasan Muhammad Nur Shatigadud
Colonel Hasan Muhammad Nur Shatigadud is a Somali faction leader, and chairman of the Rahanweyn Resistance Army , which sought to establish the autonomous state of Southwestern Somalia. Recently, he is said to have played a role in the capture of Mogadishu by Ethiopian and Transitional Federal...

 of the Harin subclan to the leadership of RRA. This move won the support he expected from other subclans, but after the liberation of Baidoa in 1999, his clan held him responsible for their third position of RRA leadership.

In 2002, Habsade, along with Sheikh
Not to be confused with sikhSheikh — also spelled Sheik or Shaikh, or transliterated as Shaykh — is an honorific in the Arabic language that literally means "elder" and carries the meaning "leader and/or governor"...

 Aden Madobe, who is from the Hadame clan, opposed Shatigudud when he declared himself the president of the short-lived semi-autonomous government of Shouthwestern. Habsade and Sheikh Aden Madowe then clashed a few years later, ensuing several fights within Baidoa city. Habsade's fighters, getting help from an ally named Mohamed Nur Saraonsor, another Hadame clan member, eventually ousted the militias loyal to both Sheikh Aden Madowe and Shatigadud. Habsade opposed the relocation of the TFG to Baidoa and eventually allied himself with the Mogadishu
Mogadishu , popularly known as Xamar, is the largest city in Somalia and the nation's capital. Located in the coastal Benadir region on the Indian Ocean, the city has served as an important port for centuries....

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