model advanced as an alternative model to strength theory. It posits that each time some information is presented to a person, it is neurally encoded in a unique memory trace composed of a combination of its attributes. Further support for this theory came in the 1960s from empirical findings that people could remember specific attributes about an object without remembering the object itself.
Why is he tailing me all over town? Does he think I'm pretty or what?
I knew you gone sour, Ryan, but I didn't know you gone simple.
Her name wasn't really Sue Alabama... It was Sue something Greek and unpronounceable.
She primed him and I went in on the cleanup.
Sex was nearly all Sue Alabama ever needed, and she could use it the way some guys use a blackjack.
I can't figure him for a cannon. The only thing Pen Pal would ever use is the U.S. Mail... Extortion.