Museum of Fine Arts Berne
The Museum of Fine Arts Berne, established in 1879, is the oldest art museum in Switzerland with a permanent collection. Its holdings run from the Middle Ages to contemporary art.
It houses works by Paul Klee
Paul Klee
Paul Klee was born in Münchenbuchsee, Switzerland, and is considered both a German and a Swiss painter. His highly individual style was influenced by movements in art that included expressionism, cubism, and surrealism. He was, as well, a student of orientalism...

, Pablo Picasso
Pablo Picasso
Pablo Diego José Francisco de Paula Juan Nepomuceno María de los Remedios Cipriano de la Santísima Trinidad Ruiz y Picasso known as Pablo Ruiz Picasso was a Spanish expatriate painter, sculptor, printmaker, ceramicist, and stage designer, one of the greatest and most influential artists of the...

, Ferdinand Hodler
Ferdinand Hodler
Ferdinand Hodler was one of the best-known Swiss painters of the 19th century.-Life:Hodler was born in Berne, the eldest of six children. His father, Jean Hodler, made a meager living as a carpenter; his mother, Marguerite , was from a peasant family...

, Meret Oppenheim
Méret Oppenheim
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 or Ricco Wassmer
Ricco Wassmer
Ricco Wassmer was a Swiss painter.-Life:Erich Wassmer was born in upper-class circumstances as the son of cement factory owner and art patron Max Wassmer . Since the age of 3 he grew up at Bremgarten Castle near Berne, which was filled with art and culture...

. The collection consists of over 3,000 paintings and sculptures as well as 48,000 drawings, prints, photographs, videos and films.

External links

46.9511°N 7.4434°W
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