Mustafa Ibrahim Mustafa Al Hassan
On March 3, 2006, in response to a court order
Court order
A court order is an official proclamation by a judge that defines the legal relationships between the parties to a hearing, a trial, an appeal or other court proceedings. Such ruling requires or authorizes the carrying out of certain steps by one or more parties to a case...

 from Jed Rakoff the Department of Defense
United States Department of Defense
The United States Department of Defense is the U.S...

 published a ten page summarized transcript from his Combatant Status Review Tribunal.

First annual Administrative Review Board

A Summary of Evidence memo
Summary of Evidence (ARB)
Counter-terrorism analysts prepared a Summary of Evidence memo for the Administrative Review Board hearings of approximately 460 captives in the Guantanamo Bay detention camps, in Cuba from December 2004 to December 2005.-Release of the memos:...

 was prepared for Mustafa Ibrahim Mustafa Al Hassan's first annual Administrative Review Board, on 7 July 2005.
The memo listed factors for and against his continued detention.

Second annual Administrative Review Board

A Summary of Evidence memo
Summary of Evidence (ARB)
Counter-terrorism analysts prepared a Summary of Evidence memo for the Administrative Review Board hearings of approximately 460 captives in the Guantanamo Bay detention camps, in Cuba from December 2004 to December 2005.-Release of the memos:...

 was prepared for Mustafa Ibrahim Mustafa Al Hassan's second annual Administrative Review Board, on 27 March 2006.
The memo listed factors for and against his continued detention.


The Department of Defense
United States Department of Defense
The United States Department of Defense is the U.S...

 reported on 8 October 2008 that an Algerian and a Sudanese had just been repatriated.
Later that day the Associated Press
Associated Press
The Associated Press is an American news agency. The AP is a cooperative owned by its contributing newspapers, radio and television stations in the United States, which both contribute stories to the AP and use material written by its staff journalists...

reported that the Sudanese captive was
Mustafa Ibrahim Mustafa Al Hassan.
Mustafa reported that he personally witnessed Koran desecration while in US custody, which he described as part of "all kinds of torture". At a press conference Mustafa asserted:
  • "The torture would never stop until you say you have participated in the war against the Americans."
  • "When the investigators were interrogating me when I told them I went there to trade and I went there to study, they hit me, they tortured me. They were torturing us with electricity and they made us walk on sharp objects. They hit us a lot, and because of the pain we just said anything."

Commander is a naval rank which is also sometimes used as a military title depending on the individual customs of a given military service. Commander is also used as a rank or title in some organizations outside of the armed forces, particularly in police and law enforcement.-Commander as a naval...

 Jeffrey Gordon
Jeffrey D. Gordon
Jeffrey D. Gordon is a communications consultant to several conservative Washington, DC-based think tanks. Gordon is also a contributing columnist to Fox News, AOL News, the Washington Times and other media outlets. Previously, he was a Commander in the United States Navy.-Naval career:He was...

, a Guantanamo spokesman, disputed Mustafa had been abused at Guantanamo.
"Al-Qaida operatives and their supporters typically try to garner public sympathy by publicizing allegations of abuse."
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