Mynydd Bodafon
Mynydd Bodafon is a mountain as the word "Mynydd" implies. However, it is actually only a hill in geographic terms, but is still the highest point on the island
An island or isle is any piece of sub-continental land that is surrounded by water. Very small islands such as emergent land features on atolls can be called islets, cays or keys. An island in a river or lake may be called an eyot , or holm...

 of Anglesey
Anglesey , also known by its Welsh name Ynys Môn , is an island and, as Isle of Anglesey, a county off the north west coast of Wales...

 (although not in the county of Anglesey — see Holyhead Mountain
Holyhead Mountain
Holyhead Mountain is the highest hill on Holy Island, Anglesey, and the highest in the county of Anglesey, north Wales. It lies about three kilometres west of the town of Holyhead, and slopes steeply down to the Irish Sea on two sides...

). Its summit is also known as Yr Arwydd (The Signal). It lies about four kilometres west of the coastal town of Moelfre
Moelfre is a village and community on the east coast of Isle of Anglesey in Wales, and on the Anglesey Coastal Path. It has a population of 1,129.The Royal Mail postcode begins LL72....

 and one kilometre south-west of the hamlet of Brynrefail
Brynrefail is a small village in north-east Anglesey, Wales.- Location :It is located in the civil parish of Moelfre on the A5025 between Amlwch and Benllech.- Amenities :...

. The meaning of Bodafon is obscure. Bod is a common placename element meaning 'dwelling' and afon here is possibly a corruption of the personal name A(e)ddan (afon is Welsh for 'river' but topography rules that out).

The terrain of Mynydd Bodafon varies greatly, from pine forest
Scots Pine
Pinus sylvestris, commonly known as the Scots Pine, is a species of pine native to Europe and Asia, ranging from Scotland, Ireland and Portugal in the west, east to eastern Siberia, south to the Caucasus Mountains, and as far north as well inside the Arctic Circle in Scandinavia...

 to heathland
Heath (habitat)
A heath or heathland is a dwarf-shrub habitat found on mainly low quality acidic soils, characterised by open, low growing woody vegetation, often dominated by plants of the Ericaceae. There are some clear differences between heath and moorland...

. In 2006 during an arson
Arson is the crime of intentionally or maliciously setting fire to structures or wildland areas. It may be distinguished from other causes such as spontaneous combustion and natural wildfires...

 attack, much of this land was burnt. The walk to the top of Yr Arwydd is not a particularly difficult one and can be done by anyone with a reasonable level of fitness. There is a small lake which contains various varieties of fish, a reservoir
A reservoir , artificial lake or dam is used to store water.Reservoirs may be created in river valleys by the construction of a dam or may be built by excavation in the ground or by conventional construction techniques such as brickwork or cast concrete.The term reservoir may also be used to...

 and three springs coming from the hill. To the east of the hill is found an iron age
Iron Age
The Iron Age is the archaeological period generally occurring after the Bronze Age, marked by the prevalent use of iron. The early period of the age is characterized by the widespread use of iron or steel. The adoption of such material coincided with other changes in society, including differing...

Earthworks (engineering)
Earthworks are engineering works created through the moving or processing of quantities of soil or unformed rock.- Civil engineering use :Typical earthworks include roads, railway beds, causeways, dams, levees, canals, and berms...


Mynydd Bodafon's wildlife is typical for Anglesey. There are a growing number of rabbit
Rabbits are small mammals in the family Leporidae of the order Lagomorpha, found in several parts of the world...

s which spread past the base of the hill. At one time, deer
Deer are the ruminant mammals forming the family Cervidae. Species in the Cervidae family include white-tailed deer, elk, moose, red deer, reindeer, fallow deer, roe deer and chital. Male deer of all species and female reindeer grow and shed new antlers each year...

 were present but were hunted and no longer exist there. Also due to hunting the number of foxes
Red Fox
The red fox is the largest of the true foxes, as well as being the most geographically spread member of the Carnivora, being distributed across the entire northern hemisphere from the Arctic Circle to North Africa, Central America, and the steppes of Asia...

 in the area has decreased. Mynydd Bodafon boasts a large number of wild birds. Various birds of prey
Bird of prey
Birds of prey are birds that hunt for food primarily on the wing, using their keen senses, especially vision. They are defined as birds that primarily hunt vertebrates, including other birds. Their talons and beaks tend to be relatively large, powerful and adapted for tearing and/or piercing flesh....

 include buzzard
A buzzard is one of several large birds, but there are a number of meanings as detailed below.-Old World:In the Old World Buzzard can mean:* One of several medium-sized, wide-ranging raptors with a robust body and broad wings....

s and a small number of peregrine falcon
Peregrine Falcon
The Peregrine Falcon , also known as the Peregrine, and historically as the Duck Hawk in North America, is a widespread bird of prey in the family Falconidae. A large, crow-sized falcon, it has a blue-gray back, barred white underparts, and a black head and "moustache"...

s. The region is also a popular point of migration for swallows
Barn Swallow
The Barn Swallow is the most widespread species of swallow in the world. It is a distinctive passerine bird with blue upperparts, a long, deeply forked tail and curved, pointed wings. It is found in Europe, Asia, Africa and the Americas...

, who inhabit the area between mid-April to October. Recently there have been sightings of the lesser spotted woodpecker
Lesser Spotted Woodpecker
The Lesser Spotted Woodpecker is a member of the woodpecker family Picidae. It is assigned to the genus Dendrocopos ....

, which shows promising growth in the area. The cuckoo
The cuckoos are a family, Cuculidae, of near passerine birds. The order Cuculiformes, in addition to the cuckoos, also includes the turacos . Some zoologists and taxonomists have also included the unique Hoatzin in the Cuculiformes, but its taxonomy remains in dispute...

 is regularly seen on the mountain ( there is an old local song about the cuckoo on Bodafon Mountain!) - The picture above shows Yr Arwydd from the Mynydd Bodafon road

Although the name Mynydd Bodafon may refer to the hill itself, it is also the name for the wider geographical area, which is part of the Penrhoslligwy area. Traditionally a Welsh area, many English people have moved there over the last few decades. The area is very popular with tourists, who use it for walking and sometimes fishing. Agriculture is the economy of the area - mainly cattle and sheep.

External links

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