NAALE Program
NAALE Program is a program sponsored by the Israeli Government and Sochnut (Jewish Agency for Israel)
Jewish Agency for Israel
The Jewish Agency for Israel , also known as the Sochnut or JAFI, served as the organization in charge of immigration and absorption of Jews from the Diaspora into the state of Israel.-History:...

 that allows Jewish teenagers from the diaspora
Jewish diaspora
The Jewish diaspora is the English term used to describe the Galut גלות , or 'exile', of the Jews from the region of the Kingdom of Judah and Roman Iudaea and later emigration from wider Eretz Israel....

 to graduate high-schools in Israel
The State of Israel is a parliamentary republic located in the Middle East, along the eastern shore of the Mediterranean Sea...

 and achieve high-school diploma (complete matriculation exams).
During the period the project NAALE exists, over 10,000 teenagers that came to Israel
The State of Israel is a parliamentary republic located in the Middle East, along the eastern shore of the Mediterranean Sea...

 without their parents graduated Israeli high-schools.

The word "NAALE" is a Hebrew acronym of "Teenagers Emigrating Before Parents" .

General information

During 1992-1993 the Ministry of Education began their work on establishment of the NAALE program with the initiative of the Israeli Government. The main reason for this action was numerous petitions from Jewish parents living in CIS
CIS usually refers to the Commonwealth of Independent States, a modern political entity consisting of eleven former Soviet Union republics.The acronym CIS may also refer to:-Organizations:...

 asking the Israeli Government to allow their children to study in Israel.

In 1994-1995 the Israeli Government decided to pass the responsibility for this program to Sohnut and "Aliyat ha-Noar".

By the end of 1995, the Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin
Yitzhak Rabin
' was an Israeli politician, statesman and general. He was the fifth Prime Minister of Israel, serving two terms in office, 1974–77 and 1992 until his assassination in 1995....

, just few days before his death, transferred the responsibility for this program back to the authority of the Ministry of Education.

Nowadays, the program is carried out by the "Association of Promotion of Education in Israel" – a society established by the initiative of the Ministry of Education. The management of NAALE includes the following departments: Education and Distribution, Dept. of communication with countries abroad (Russia
Russia or , officially known as both Russia and the Russian Federation , is a country in northern Eurasia. It is a federal semi-presidential republic, comprising 83 federal subjects...

, Western Europe
Western Europe
Western Europe is a loose term for the collection of countries in the western most region of the European continents, though this definition is context-dependent and carries cultural and political connotations. One definition describes Western Europe as a geographic entity—the region lying in the...

, Latin America
Latin America
Latin America is a region of the Americas where Romance languages  – particularly Spanish and Portuguese, and variably French – are primarily spoken. Latin America has an area of approximately 21,069,500 km² , almost 3.9% of the Earth's surface or 14.1% of its land surface area...

, France
The French Republic , The French Republic , The French Republic , (commonly known as France , is a unitary semi-presidential republic in Western Europe with several overseas territories and islands located on other continents and in the Indian, Pacific, and Atlantic oceans. Metropolitan France...

, English–speaking countries), Dept. of medicine, Administration and Dept. responsible for integration of pupils. The management of NAALE is responsible for acceptance of the students and supports the schools, students and their parents. The advertisements and promotion for new participants are organized by Sohnut agents. The responsibility of Sochnut also includes the preparation of teenagers before their first visit to Israel, the arrival arrangements and the communication with the teenagers' families at the homeland.

External links

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