Nandini I Love U
Nandini I Love U is a 2008 Indian Oriya film directed by Ashok Pati .It is the first venture of Producer Anama Charana Sahoo, under the banner of Laxmi Puja Pvt. Ltd. Siddhanta Mahapatra
Siddhanta Mahapatra
Siddhanta Mahapatra is one of the most popular Ollywood and Tollywood Bangla stars in the state of Orissa in India. Sidhanta Mahapatra made his debut in films with Sradhanjali.-Early life:...

 and Budhaditya are playing the male lead characters where as bollywood fame Krisha is playing the female lead.


  • Siddhanta Mahapatra
    Siddhanta Mahapatra
    Siddhanta Mahapatra is one of the most popular Ollywood and Tollywood Bangla stars in the state of Orissa in India. Sidhanta Mahapatra made his debut in films with Sradhanjali.-Early life:...

     -Sri Ram
  • Budhaditya- Jeet
  • Krisha - Nandini
  • Ajit Das
  • Snigdha Mohanty
  • Anita Das
  • Bobby Mishra
  • Pintu Nanda
  • Debu Bramha
  • Mamuni Mishra
  • Roja
    Roja is a 1992 Tamil political drama, romance film directed by Mani Ratnam. The film was subsequently dubbed in Hindi, Marathi, Malayalam and Telugu....


  • Story, Screen Play & Direction: Ashok Pati
  • Producer: Anama Charana Sahoo
  • Editing: Chandra Sekhar Mishra
  • Cameraman: Sitansu Mohapatra
  • Music Director: Prasant Padhi
  • Lyrics: Debdas Chhotray, Nirmala Nayak, Basant Raj Samal, Prasant Padhi, Arun Mantri
  • Singers: Bibhu Kishor, Kumar Bapi, Tapu
    Tapu, tabu or kapu is a Polynesian traditional concept denoting something holy or sacred, with "spiritual restriction" or "implied prohibition"; it involves rules and prohibitions...

    , Sailavama, Arabinda, Pami
    Usermaatre Setepenre Pami was an Egyptian Pharaoh who ruled Egypt for 7 years. He was a member of the Twenty-second dynasty of Egypt of Meshwesh Libyans who had been living in the country since the Twentieth dynasty of Egypt when their ancestors infiltrated into the Egyptian Delta from Libya...

    , Pasanta Padhi
  • Dialogue Writer: Dr Rajani Ranjan
  • Choreographer: Sudhakar
    Sudhakar is a popular South Indian film comedian-actor. He acted more than 600 films in Telugu, Tamil and Hindi Languages. He also produced several films in Telugu, including the super hit film Yamudiki Mogudu.- Background :...

  • Action Coordinator: Kunduturu Babu
  • Make up: Saileswara Swain
  • Distribution Manager: Sumi
    Sumi may refer to:* Sumi Jo, a South Korean lyric coloratura soprano* Sumi, of Miga, Quatchi, Sumi and Mukmuk, the mascots of the 2010 Winter Olympics and Paralympics* The Sumi Naga, one of the major Naga tribes in Nagaland, India...

    , Ipsita
  • Production Designer: Manoj Mishra
  • Costume: Babuni
  • Art Director: Amiya Maharana
  • Lab Services: Prasad Kalinga Color Laboratories , Bhubaneswar
    Bhubaneswar is the capital of the Indian state of Orissa, officially Odisha. The city has a long history of over 2000 years starting with Chedi dynasty who had Sisupalgarh near present-day Bhubaneswar as their capital...


Box Office Reception

The Movie was made on a high budget and technically it was a good movie. The film did not get an extraordinary opening but however due to its good storyline, music and some great performances it picked up later on. The movie is currently doing good business at the box office.


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