Nanibaba is a settlement in Kiribati
Kiribati , officially the Republic of Kiribati, is an island nation located in the central tropical Pacific Ocean. The permanent population exceeds just over 100,000 , and is composed of 32 atolls and one raised coral island, dispersed over 3.5 million square kilometres, straddling the...

. It is located on an atoll
An atoll is a coral island that encircles a lagoon partially or completely.- Usage :The word atoll comes from the Dhivehi word atholhu OED...

; to its north are Rotuma
Rotuma is a Fijian dependency, consisting of Rotuma Island and nearby islets. The island group is home to a small but unique indigenous ethnic group which constitutes a recognizable minority within the population of Fiji, known as "Rotumans"...

 and Autukia
Autukia is a settlement in Kiribati. It is located on an atoll; to its north are Kairaoa, Kawantetua, Rakentai and Tarakarawa, while Nanibaba and Temaraia are to the south....

, while Makauro
Makauro is a settlement in Kiribati. It is located on an atoll; to its north are Nanibaba, Tebatabuki, and Temaraia, while Umantewena is to its south....

, Tetake
Tetake is a settlement in Kiribati. It is located on an atoll; Nanibaba, Tebatabuki and Temaraia are to its north, while Umantewena and Tenanoraoi are to the south....

, Umauma
Umauma is a settlement in Kiribati. It is located on an atoll; to its north are Nanibaba, Temaraia, and Tebatabuki, while Tenanoraoi and Umantewena all lie to its south....

, Tebatabuki
Tebatabuki is a settlement in Kiribati. It is located on an atoll; to its north are Nanibaba, Temaraia, Aubeangai, and Tebobonga; Makauro, Tetake, Tenanoraoi, and Umauma are to the south....

, and Umantewena
Umantewenais a settlement in Kiribati. Tenanoraoi is to its south, while Makauro, Tetake, and Umauma are to its north....

 all lie to its south. Aubeangai
Aubeangai is a settlement in Kiribati. It is located on an atoll; to its north are Kaiaroa, Kawantetua, and Tarakarawa; Tebatabuki is to the south, while Nanibaba and Temaraia are to the east....

, Tebobonga
Tebobonga is a settlement in Kiribati. It is located on an atoll; Nanibaba and Temaraia are to the west, Tebatabuki is to the south, and Kairaoa, Tarakarawa, and Kawantetua are to the north....

, Kairaoa
Kairaoa is a settlement in Kiribati. It is located on an atoll; Nanibaba, Temaraia, and Autukia are to the west, while Rakentai is to the north and Aubeangai and Tebobonga are to the south....

, Kawantetua
Kawantetua is a settlement in Kiribati. It is located on an atoll; Nanibaba, Temaraia, and Autukia are to its west, while Rakentai is to the north and Aubeangai and Tebobonga are to the south....

, and Tarakarawa
Tarakarawa is a settlement in Kiribati. It is located on an atoll; Nanibaba, Autukia, and Temaraia are to the west, Rakentai is to the north, and Aubeangai and Tebobonga are to the south....

are to the east.
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