Nanni Baldini
Nanni Baldini is an Italian
Italy , officially the Italian Republic languages]] under the European Charter for Regional or Minority Languages. In each of these, Italy's official name is as follows:;;;;;;;;), is a unitary parliamentary republic in South-Central Europe. To the north it borders France, Switzerland, Austria and...

 voice actor. He contributes to voicing characters in cartoons, anime, movies, and other content.

Baldini is well known for providing the voice of the character Stewie Griffin
Stewie Griffin
Stewie Griffin is a fictional character from the animated television series Family Guy. Once obsessed with world domination and matricide, Stewie is the youngest child of Peter and Lois Griffin, and the brother of Chris and Meg....

 in the Italian language version of the animated sitcom Family Guy
Family Guy
Family Guy is an American animated television series created by Seth MacFarlane for the Fox Broadcasting Company. The series centers on the Griffins, a dysfunctional family consisting of parents Peter and Lois; their children Meg, Chris, and Stewie; and their anthropomorphic pet dog Brian...

. He is also well known for providing the voice of the character Donkey
Donkey (Shrek)
Donkey is a fictional talking donkey from the Shrek series of films and he serves as the deuteragonist of the films, voiced by Eddie Murphy. The character has also featured in the original story Shrek!...

 in the Italian language version of the Shrek film series.

He works at C.D. Cine Dubbing,, Dubbing Brothers
Dubbing Brothers International Italia
Dubbing Brothers International Italia is an Italian dubbing dubbing studio based in Rome. Its the Italian division of the Saint-Denis based dubbing studio Dubbing Brothers....

, Pumaisdue, and other dubbing studios in Italy.

Anime and animation

  • Stewie Griffin
    Stewie Griffin
    Stewie Griffin is a fictional character from the animated television series Family Guy. Once obsessed with world domination and matricide, Stewie is the youngest child of Peter and Lois Griffin, and the brother of Chris and Meg....

     and Johnny Knoxville in Family Guy
    Family Guy
    Family Guy is an American animated television series created by Seth MacFarlane for the Fox Broadcasting Company. The series centers on the Griffins, a dysfunctional family consisting of parents Peter and Lois; their children Meg, Chris, and Stewie; and their anthropomorphic pet dog Brian...

  • Donkey
    Donkey (Shrek)
    Donkey is a fictional talking donkey from the Shrek series of films and he serves as the deuteragonist of the films, voiced by Eddie Murphy. The character has also featured in the original story Shrek!...

     in Shrek
    Shrek is a 2001 American computer-animated fantasy comedy film directed by Andrew Adamson and Vicky Jenson, featuring the voices of Mike Myers, Eddie Murphy, Cameron Diaz, and John Lithgow. Loosely based on William Steig's 1990 fairy tale picture book Shrek!...

  • Donkey
    Donkey (Shrek)
    Donkey is a fictional talking donkey from the Shrek series of films and he serves as the deuteragonist of the films, voiced by Eddie Murphy. The character has also featured in the original story Shrek!...

     in Shrek 2
    Shrek 2
    Shrek 2 is a 2004 American computer-animated fantasy comedy film, produced by DreamWorks Animation and directed by Andrew Adamson, Kelly Asbury and Conrad Vernon. It is the second installment in the Shrek film series and the sequel to 2001's Shrek...

  • Donkey
    Donkey (Shrek)
    Donkey is a fictional talking donkey from the Shrek series of films and he serves as the deuteragonist of the films, voiced by Eddie Murphy. The character has also featured in the original story Shrek!...

     in Shrek the Third
    Shrek the Third
    Shrek the Third is a 2007 American animated film, and the third film in the Shrek series. It was produced by Jeffrey Katzenberg for DreamWorks Animation, and is distributed by Paramount Pictures. It was released in U.S. theaters on May 18, 2007...

  • Donkey
    Donkey (Shrek)
    Donkey is a fictional talking donkey from the Shrek series of films and he serves as the deuteragonist of the films, voiced by Eddie Murphy. The character has also featured in the original story Shrek!...

     in Shrek Forever After
    Shrek Forever After
    Shrek Forever After, taglined as The Final Chapter, is a 2010 animated fantasy-comedy film, and the fourth and final installment in the Shrek film series, produced by DreamWorks Animation. The film was released by Paramount Pictures in cinemas on May 20, 2010 in Russia, and on May 21 in the United...

  • Donkey
    Donkey (Shrek)
    Donkey is a fictional talking donkey from the Shrek series of films and he serves as the deuteragonist of the films, voiced by Eddie Murphy. The character has also featured in the original story Shrek!...

     in Shrek the Halls
    Shrek the Halls
    Shrek the Halls is a television special that premiered on the American television network ABC on Wednesday, November 28, 2007. The thirty minute Christmas special included the following: Mike Myers, Eddie Murphy, Cameron Diaz and Antonio Banderas reprising their roles from the feature films. The...

  • Donkey
    Donkey (Shrek)
    Donkey is a fictional talking donkey from the Shrek series of films and he serves as the deuteragonist of the films, voiced by Eddie Murphy. The character has also featured in the original story Shrek!...

     in Scared Shrekless
    Scared Shrekless
    Scared Shrekless is a 21-minute Halloween television special, set shortly after the events of Shrek Forever After, that premiered on the American television network NBC on Thursday, October 28, 2010....

  • Scooby-Doo
    Scooby-Doo (character)
    Scoobert "Scooby" Doo is the eponymous character and the protagonist in the Scooby-Doo animated television series created by the popular American animation company Hanna-Barbera...

     in Shaggy & Scooby-Doo Get a Clue!
    Shaggy & Scooby-Doo Get a Clue!
    Shaggy & Scooby-Doo Get a Clue! is the tenth incarnation of Hanna-Barbera's Scooby-Doo series of Friday night cartoons. It debuted on September 23, 2006, and ran on Kids WB on Saturday mornings. Produced by Warner Bros. Animation, this was the last cartoon series produced by co-creator, Joseph...

  • Jeff Fischer in American Dad!
    American Dad!
    American Dad! is an American animated television series created by Seth MacFarlane and owned by Underdog Productions and Fuzzy Door Productions. It is produced in association with 20th Century Fox Television...

  • Stan Marsh
    Stan Marsh
    Stanley Randall "Stan" Marsh is a fictional character in the animated television series South Park. He is voiced by and loosely based on series co-creator Trey Parker. Stan is one of the show's four central characters, along with his friends Kyle Broflovski, Kenny McCormick, and Eric Cartman...

     in South Park
    South Park
    South Park is an American animated television series created by Trey Parker and Matt Stone for the Comedy Central television network. Intended for mature audiences, the show has become famous for its crude language, surreal, satirical, and dark humor that lampoons a wide range of topics...

    (First dub)
  • Stan Marsh
    Stan Marsh
    Stanley Randall "Stan" Marsh is a fictional character in the animated television series South Park. He is voiced by and loosely based on series co-creator Trey Parker. Stan is one of the show's four central characters, along with his friends Kyle Broflovski, Kenny McCormick, and Eric Cartman...

     in South Park: Bigger, Longer & Uncut
    South Park: Bigger, Longer & Uncut
    South Park: Bigger, Longer & Uncut is a 1999 animated musical comedy film based on the animated television series South Park, created by Matt Stone and Trey Parker. The film was directed by Parker, who also stars along with the rest of the regular voice cast from the series, including Stone, Mary...

  • Katsuhiko Jinnai in El-Hazard
    is a Japanese anime franchise written by Ryoe Tsukimura and directed by Hiroki Hayashi. The series was produced and animated by AIC.There is also a manga adaptation, which is published in English by VIZ Media. The series was formerly distributed in the U.S. by Pioneer LDC, now known as Geneon...

  • Flappy Bob in School's Out! The Musical
    School's Out! The Musical
    School's Out! The Musical is a musical television special, based on Nickelodeon's animated television series The Fairly OddParents, created by Butch Hartman. The plot involves Timmy Turner becoming president of "KidWorld" and The Pixies trying to take over the world using the...

  • Rango in Rango
    Rango (2011 film)
    Rango is a 2011 American computer-animated Western Comedy film directed by Gore Verbinski and produced by Graham King. In the film, a chameleon named Rango accidentally ends up in the town of Dirt, an outpost that is in desperate need of a new sheriff...

  • Furuki in Hungry Heart: Wild Striker
    Hungry Heart: Wild Striker
    is a Japanese soccer manga and anime series, authored by Captain Tsubasa creator Yōichi Takahashi. The manga series was serialized in Akita Shoten's Weekly Shōnen Champion...

  • Remy in Ratatouille
    Ratatouille (film)
    Ratatouille is a 2007 American computer-animated comedy film produced by Pixar Animation Studios and distributed by Walt Disney Pictures. It is the eighth film produced by Pixar, and was directed by Brad Bird, who took over from Jan Pinkava in 2005...

  • Wormmon in Digimon Adventure 02
    Digimon Adventure 02
    , also commonly referred as Digimon Zero Two, is the direct sequel to the previous series and takes place three years after the original series. With most of the original characters now in junior high school, the Digital World was supposedly secure and peaceful. However, a new evil has appeared in...

  • Mr. Match and WackoMan in MegaMan NT Warrior
    MegaMan NT Warrior
    Mega Man NT Warrior or Mega Man Battle Network, known in Japan as , is an anime and manga series based on the Mega Man Battle Network video game series...

  • Reginald "Skull" Skulinski in Monster House
    Monster House (film)
    Monster House is a 2006 computer animated motion capture horror/comedy film produced by ImageMovers and Amblin Entertainment, and distributed by Columbia Pictures. Executive produced by Robert Zemeckis and Steven Spielberg, this is the first time since Back to the Future Part III that they have...

  • Hobie in Barbie as Rapunzel
    Barbie as Rapunzel
    Barbie as Rapunzel is a 2002 direct-to-video Barbie film directed by Owen Hurley. It is the second in the Barbie film series of computer animated Barbie films, and features the voice of Kelly Sheridan as Barbie...

  • Naoyuki Saruta in Paranoia Agent
    Paranoia Agent
    is a Japanese anime television series created by director Satoshi Kon and produced by Madhouse about a social phenomenon in Musashino, Tokyo caused by a juvenile serial assailant named Lil' Slugger...

  • Michelangelo in TMNT (film)
  • Minion in Megamind
  • Tatsuma Sakamot]o in Gin Tama
  • Denahai in Brother Bear
    Brother Bear
    Brother Bear is a 2003 American animated fantasy film produced by Walt Disney Feature Animation and released by Walt Disney Pictures, the forty-fourth animated feature in the Walt Disney Animated Classics. In the film, an Inuit boy pursues a bear in revenge for a battle that he provoked in which...

  • Toru Watanabe in Excel Saga
    Excel Saga
    is a manga series written and illustrated by Rikdo Koshi. It has been serialized in Young King OURs since 1996, with individual chapters collected and published in tankōbon volumes by Shōnen Gahosha. The series follows the attempts of Across, a "secret ideological organization", to conquer the city...

  • Mikey in Pig City
    Pig City
    Pig City is an animated television program originally airing on Teletoon , on September 1, 2002. It features a country pig moving to the big city to live with his cousins ....

  • Slurms MacKenzie in Futurama
    Futurama is an American animated science fiction sitcom created by Matt Groening and developed by Groening and David X. Cohen for the Fox Broadcasting Company. The series follows the adventures of a late 20th-century New York City pizza delivery boy, Philip J...

  • Nelson Muntz
    Nelson Muntz
    Nelson Mandela Muntz is a fictional character and bully from the animated TV series The Simpsons. He is voiced by Nancy Cartwright. Nelson was introduced in Season 1's "Bart the General" as a bully but later turned into a friend of Bart Simpson, who is best identified by his signature laugh .-Role...

     (4th voice) and Snake Jailbird (4th voice) in The Simpsons
    The Simpsons
    The Simpsons is an American animated sitcom created by Matt Groening for the Fox Broadcasting Company. The series is a satirical parody of a middle class American lifestyle epitomized by its family of the same name, which consists of Homer, Marge, Bart, Lisa and Maggie...

  • Franz in Princess Sissi
    Princess Sissi (1997 TV series)
    Princess Sissi is an French and French-Canadian animated series. it debuted on November 27, 1997 on France 3.The animated series is based on the life of the empress of Austria Elisabeth of Bavaria, nicknamed "Sissi".-Story:...

  • Jorg in Strange Dawn
    Strange Dawn
    is a 13-episode anime TV series created by Hal Film Maker for Pioneer LDC in 2000. The series follows the adventures of Eri and Yuko after they are transported to a strange world where all the people are very short....

  • Teppei Kisugi in Captain Tsubasa
    Captain Tsubasa
    , also known as Flash Kicker, is a popular long running Japanese manga, animation, and video game series, originally created by Yōichi Takahashi in 1981...

  • Cube in Petite Princess Yucie
    Petite Princess Yucie
    is an anime series, which was produced by Gainax, aired from 2002 to 2003, and ran for 26 episodes. Six volumes of videos were released on DVD by ADV Films in the United States. As of Sep. 1, 2009, the series is now licensed by ADV's successor, AEsir Holdings; with distribution from Section23 Films...

  • Carl the Evil Cockroach Wizard in Yin Yang Yo!
    Yin Yang Yo!
    Yin Yang Yo! is a Canadian-American animated television series created by Bob Boyle II and produced by Jetix Animation Concepts. It is the third Jetix-original show. It premiered on October 2, 2006 on Jetix with a sneak peek airing on August 26, 2006...

  • Manten in InuYasha
    , also known as , is a Japanese manga series written and illustrated by Rumiko Takahashi. It premiered in Weekly Shōnen Sunday on November 13, 1996 and concluded on June 18, 2008...

  • David Kawena in Lilo & Stitch: The Series
    Lilo & Stitch: The Series
    Lilo & Stitch: The Series is the animated television spinoff of the feature film, Lilo & Stitch and the follow-up to Stitch! The Movie.-Plot:...

  • Icarus
    -Space and astronomy:* Icarus , on the Moon* Icarus , a planetary science journal* 1566 Icarus, an asteroid* IKAROS, a interplanetary unmanned spacecraft...

     in Hercules: The Animated Series
  • Shunsuke Akagi in Dai-Guard
    , lit. "Terrestrial Defense Corp. Dai-Guard" is an anime television series, produced and animated by XEBEC, and directed by Seiji Mizushima. It aired from October 5, 1999 to March 28, 2000 on TV Tokyo, ran for 26 episodes. 6 volumes of videos were released on VHS and DVD...

  • Sterling Überbucks in Roboroach
    Roboroach is a Canadian animated television series, which ran on Teletoon in Canada and Jetix in Europe. It follows the story of a cockroach named Rube and his brother Reg. While scavenging for food, as seen in the introduction film, Rube is caught and experimented on...

  • Teru Mikami in Death Note
    Death Note
    is a manga created by writer Tsugumi Ohba and manga artist Takeshi Obata. The main character is Light Yagami, a high school student who discovers a supernatural notebook, the "Death Note", dropped on Earth by a god of death, or a shinigami, named Ryuk...

  • Ian Wazselewski in Teacher's Pet (TV series)
    Teacher's Pet (TV series)
    Teacher's Pet is an American Disney animated television series about a dog who lives like a little boy. Created by Gary Baseman, Bill Steinkellner and Cheri Steinkellner and directed by Timothy Björklund, it was broadcast on Disney's One Saturday Morning on ABC and later Toon Disney...

  • Dr. Nefario in Despicable Me
    Despicable Me
    Despicable Me is a 2010 American computer-animated 3D comedy film from Universal Pictures and Illumination Entertainment that was released on July 9, 2010 in the United States. The film features the voices of Steve Carell, Jason Segel, Russell Brand, Julie Andrews, Will Arnett, Kristen Wiig, and...

  • Twitchy Squirrel in Hoodwinked!
  • 15 Cent in The Proud Family Movie
    The Proud Family Movie
    The Proud Family Movie is a Disney Channel Original Movie which premiered on August 19, 2005. It also marked the end of The Proud Family animated Disney series.-Plot:...

  • and others

Live action

  • Michael G. Vickers in Charlie Wilson's War
    Charlie Wilson's War
    Charlie Wilson's War is a 2007 American biographical comedy drama film recounting the true story of U.S. Congressman Charlie Wilson who partnered with "bare knuckle attitude" CIA operative Gust Avrakotos to launch Operation Cyclone, a program to organize and support the Afghan mujahideen in their...

  • Chuck Bartowski
    Chuck Bartowski
    Charles Irving "Chuck" Bartowski is the main and titular character of the American fiction television show Chuck on NBC. He is portrayed by Zachary Levi.-Character profile:...

     in Chuck
    Chuck (TV series)
    Chuck is an action-comedy/spy-drama television program from the United States created by Josh Schwartz and Chris Fedak. The series is about an "average computer-whiz-next-door" named Chuck, played by Zachary Levi, who receives an encoded e-mail from an old college friend now working for the Central...

  • Tom Paris
    Tom Paris
    Thomas Eugene "Tom" Paris, played by Robert Duncan McNeill, is a character in the television series Star Trek: Voyager. Paris serves as the chief helmsman and an auxiliary medic aboard the USS Voyager...

     (2nd voice) in Star Trek: Voyager
    Star Trek: Voyager
    Star Trek: Voyager is a science fiction television series set in the Star Trek universe. Set in the 24th century from the year 2371 through 2378, the series follows the adventures of the Starfleet vessel USS Voyager, which becomes stranded in the Delta Quadrant 70,000 light-years from Earth while...

  • Clark Kent
    Clark Kent
    Clark Kent is a fictional character created by Jerry Siegel and Joe Shuster. Appearing regularly in stories published by DC Comics, he debuted in Action Comics #1 and serves as the civilian and secret identity of the superhero Superman....

     (teenager) in Superman: The Movie (2003 dub)
  • Detective James Carter in Rush Hour (1998 film)
  • Detective James Carter in Rush Hour 2
    Rush Hour 2
    Rush Hour 2 is a 2001 martial arts action comedy film. This is the second installment in the Rush Hour film series. A sequel to the 1998 film Rush Hour, the film stars Jackie Chan and Chris Tucker who respectively reprise their roles as Inspector Lee and Los Angeles police detective James Carter...

  • Detective James Carter in Rush Hour 3
    Rush Hour 3
    Rush Hour 3 is a 2007 martial arts/action-comedy film, and the third installment in the Rush Hour film series, starring Jackie Chan and Chris Tucker, that began with the 1998 film Rush Hour and continued with the first sequel Rush Hour 2 in 2001. The film was officially announced on May 7, 2006,...

  • Scooby-Doo
    Scooby-Doo (character)
    Scoobert "Scooby" Doo is the eponymous character and the protagonist in the Scooby-Doo animated television series created by the popular American animation company Hanna-Barbera...

     in Scooby-Doo
    Scooby-Doo (film)
    Scooby-Doo is a 2002 American comedy film based on the Hanna-Barbera television cartoon series Scooby-Doo about a group of young detectives and their talking dog. It is the first installment in the Scooby-Doo live action film series...

  • Scooby-Doo
    Scooby-Doo (character)
    Scoobert "Scooby" Doo is the eponymous character and the protagonist in the Scooby-Doo animated television series created by the popular American animation company Hanna-Barbera...

     in Scooby-Doo 2: Monsters Unleashed
    Scooby-Doo 2: Monsters Unleashed
    Scooby-Doo 2: Monsters Unleashed is a 2004 film, and sequel to 2002's Scooby-Doo based on the Hanna-Barbera series classic, Scooby-Doo. It is the second installment in the Scooby-Doo Live-Action film series. It was directed by Raja Gosnell, who also directed the first film, and was written by James...

  • Balthasar Montague in Romeo + Juliet
  • Andy Walker in Look Both Ways
    Look Both Ways
    Look Both Ways is a 2005 Australian independent film, written and directed by Sarah Watt, starring an ensemble cast, which was released on 18 August 2005. The film was supported by the Adelaide Film Festival fund and opened the 2005 festival. It won four AFI Awards, including Best Film and Best...

  • Riley Finn
    Riley Finn
    Riley Finn is a fictional character created by Joss Whedon for the television series Buffy the Vampire Slayer. Portrayed by Marc Blucas, Riley was introduced in the 1999 season four premiere episode, "The Freshman", and Blucas was part of the series credited cast for the second part of season four...

    ,Jesse,Chris Epps,and other characters in Buffy the Vampire Slayer (TV series)
  • BiggBunny Deenz in Fool's Gold (2008 film)
    Fool's Gold (2008 film)
    Fool's Gold is an 2008 American adventure/romance film from Warner Bros. Pictures about a married couple who rekindle their romantic life while searching for a lost treasure. The film was directed by Andy Tennant and reunites the How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days stars Matthew McConaughey and Kate Hudson...

  • Danny Donald in Evolution
    Evolution (film)
    Evolution is a 2001 American science fiction comedy film directed by Ivan Reitman and starring David Duchovny, Orlando Jones, Seann William Scott, Julianne Moore and Ted Levine...

  • Cody Anthony Miller in Student Bodies
    Student Bodies (TV series)
    Student Bodies is a syndicated television comedy program that was produced in Montreal, Quebec, Canada from 1997 to the end of 1999. While a live-action series, animations are used throughout as thoughts and imaginations...

  • Dode in Brick
    Brick (film)
    Brick is a 2005 American neo-noir film written and directed by Rian Johnson. It was Johnson's directorial debut and won the Special Jury Prize for Originality of Vision at the 2005 Sundance Film Festival...

  • Randy Daytona in Balls of Fury
    Balls of Fury
    Balls of Fury is a 2007 American sports comedy film starring Dan Fogler and Christopher Walken. It was directed by Ben Garant and was released on August 29, 2007.-Plot:...

  • Edwin in Predators
  • Derek Huff in Step Brothers
    Step Brothers (film)
    Step Brothers is a 2008 American slapstick buddy-comedy film directed by Adam McKay, produced by Judd Apatow and Jimmy Miller, and stars Will Ferrell and John C. Reilly, who originally teamed up in Talladega Nights . The screenplay was written by Ferrell and McKay, from a story written by Ferrell,...

  • Lee Butters in Lethal Weapon 4
    Lethal Weapon 4
    Lethal Weapon 4 is a 1998 American action film directed by Richard Donner, starring Mel Gibson, Danny Glover, Joe Pesci, Rene Russo, Chris Rock and Jet Li. It is the third sequel in the Lethal Weapon series of films. -Plot:...

  • Roy Trenneman in The IT Crowd
    The IT Crowd
    The IT Crowd is a British sitcom by Channel 4, written by Graham Linehan, produced by Ash Atalla and starring Chris O'Dowd, Richard Ayoade, Katherine Parkinson and Matt Berry...

  • Carter Duryea in In Good Company (2004 film)
  • Itsuki Tachibana in Initial D
    Initial D (film)
    Initial D is a 2005 Hong Kong film directed by Andrew Lau and Alan Mak. It is a film adaptation of the Japanese Initial D manga and anime series.-Plot:...

  • Art in My Life in Film
    My Life in Film
    My Life in Film is a British television comedy series written by Mark Chappell and originally aired on BBC Three, and then on BBC Two.It uses iconography, situations and dialogue from films...

  • and others

See also

External links

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