Nasib Si Labu Labi
Nasib Si Labu Labi is a 1962 Malaysian comedy film
Comedy film
Comedy film is a genre of film in which the main emphasis is on humour. They are designed to elicit laughter from the audience. Comedies are mostly light-hearted dramas and are made to amuse and entertain the audiences...

 directed by and starring P. Ramlee
P. Ramlee
Tan Sri Datuk Amar Dr. P. Ramlee, was a Malaysian film actor, director, singer, songwriter, composer, and producer. Due to his contributions to the movie and music industry and his literary work, he is often considered the icon of Malay entertainment in Malaysia, Singapore, and Sumatra .-Biography:P...

. The film is a sequel to Labu dan Labi
Labu dan Labi
Labu dan Labi is a 1962 Malaysian & Singaporean comedy film directed by and starring P. Ramlee. The movie revolves around the antics of Labu and Labi, two servants with wild imaginations who work in the house of a wealthy but miserly man, Haji Bakhil bin Haji Kedekut...

and features a number of returning cast members.


Set sometime after the events of the previous film
Labu dan Labi
Labu dan Labi is a 1962 Malaysian & Singaporean comedy film directed by and starring P. Ramlee. The movie revolves around the antics of Labu and Labi, two servants with wild imaginations who work in the house of a wealthy but miserly man, Haji Bakhil bin Haji Kedekut...

, Haji Bakhil's wife has died. Haji Bakhil is alone and depressed, but eventually meets a beautiful young woman named Murni, who is a teacher at a school for orphans. Haji Bakhil spends some time pursuing her, and his attention is apparently not unwelcome.

In a subplot, Labu and Labi discover that they are both in love with Haji Bakhil's daughter Manisah, and decide to fight for her properly in a boxing match. However, this thread is not resolved by the end credits, and the pair's feud is not addressed after their failed boxing match.

In the main plot, Haji Bakhil eventually sends Labu and Labi on his behalf to Murni's house to ask her father for her hand in marriage, but Murni's father refuses. Labu and Labi come up with a plan to kidnap Murni in the middle of the night for an elopement, but they accidentally kidnap Murni's father, instead. Labu, Labi and Haji Bakhil are arrested and tried. Haji Bakhil is able to post his own bail, but he refuses to bail his servants. The film ends with Labu and Labi moaning their fate in prison.


  • Barang Yang Lepas Jangan Dikenang (Don't Yearn For That Which is Gone)
  • Tarian Silat Orang Melayu (Malay Silat Dance)
  • Aci Aci Buka Pintu (Aci, Aci, Open the Door)

External links

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