Nataša Kejžar
Nataša Kejžar is an olympic
Olympic Games
The Olympic Games is a major international event featuring summer and winter sports, in which thousands of athletes participate in a variety of competitions. The Olympic Games have come to be regarded as the world’s foremost sports competition where more than 200 nations participate...

 swimmer, born October 14, 1976 in Jesenice, Slovenia
Slovenia , officially the Republic of Slovenia , is a country in Central and Southeastern Europe touching the Alps and bordering the Mediterranean. Slovenia borders Italy to the west, Croatia to the south and east, Hungary to the northeast, and Austria to the north, and also has a small portion of...

, Yugoslavia
Yugoslavia refers to three political entities that existed successively on the western part of the Balkans during most of the 20th century....

. She studied at Faculty of Computer and Information Science, Ljubljana
Ljubljana is the capital of Slovenia and its largest city. It is the centre of the City Municipality of Ljubljana. It is located in the centre of the country in the Ljubljana Basin, and is a mid-sized city of some 270,000 inhabitants...

 and achieved her PhD degree in Statistics in 2007. She is
co-author with Douglas White, Constantino Tsallis
Constantino Tsallis
Constantino Tsallis is a naturalized Brazilian physicist working in Rio de Janeiro at CBPF, Brazil. He was born in Greece, and grew up in Argentina, where he studied physics at Instituto Balseiro, in Bariloche. In 1974 he received a Doctorat d'Etat et Sciences Physiques degree from the University...

, J. Doyne Farmer
J. Doyne Farmer
J. Doyne Farmer is an American physicist and entrepreneur, with interest in chaos theory and complexity. He is a professor at the Santa Fe Institute. He was also a member of Eudaemonic Enterprises.-Biography:...

 and Scott White of the Social-circles network model
Social-circles network model
The generative model of feedback networks , studied by White, Kejžar, Tsallis, Farmer, or social-circles network model, defines a class of random graphs generated by simple processes that are common to edge formation and feedback loops in social circles...


Coached by Ciril Globočnik, she started swimming in 1984, finished in 2000. She participated in the 2000 Summer Olympics
2000 Summer Olympics
The Sydney 2000 Summer Olympic Games or the Millennium Games/Games of the New Millennium, officially known as the Games of the XXVII Olympiad, were an international multi-sport event which was celebrated between 15 September and 1 October 2000 in Sydney, New South Wales, Australia...

 in Sydney
Sydney is the most populous city in Australia and the state capital of New South Wales. Sydney is located on Australia's south-east coast of the Tasman Sea. As of June 2010, the greater metropolitan area had an approximate population of 4.6 million people...


Best achievement: OG 2000: 16. 100m breaststroke; EC 25m 1998: 2. 100m IM.

In 2005 she appeared in the last episode of The Weakest Link
The Weakest Link
The Weakest Link is a television game show which first appeared in the United Kingdom on BBC Two on 14 August 2000 and will end its run in 2012 when its host Anne Robinson ends her contract. The original British version of the show airs around the world on BBC Entertainment...

 on Slovenian national television, together with other well-known Slovenian sportsmen/-women and finished as the strongest link. The money was donated to Peadiatric clinic in Ljubljana
Ljubljana is the capital of Slovenia and its largest city. It is the centre of the City Municipality of Ljubljana. It is located in the centre of the country in the Ljubljana Basin, and is a mid-sized city of some 270,000 inhabitants...


Her sister, Alenka Kejžar
Alenka Kejžar
Alenka Kejžar is an Olympic class swimmer. She was born February 15, 1979 in Kranj, Slovenia. Kejžar attended Southern Methodist University in Dallas, Texas. She was a Golden Key member....

, appeared as a swimmer in three Olympics.


  • "Generative Model for Feedback Networks" in Physical Review E, 016119 (2006, Douglas R. White
    Douglas R. White
    Douglas R. White is an American complexity researcher , social anthropologist, sociologist, and social network researcher at the University of California, Irvine.-Biography:...

    , Nataša Kejžar, Constantino Tsallis
    Constantino Tsallis
    Constantino Tsallis is a naturalized Brazilian physicist working in Rio de Janeiro at CBPF, Brazil. He was born in Greece, and grew up in Argentina, where he studied physics at Instituto Balseiro, in Bariloche. In 1974 he received a Doctorat d'Etat et Sciences Physiques degree from the University...

    , J. Doyne Farmer
    J. Doyne Farmer
    J. Doyne Farmer is an American physicist and entrepreneur, with interest in chaos theory and complexity. He is a professor at the Santa Fe Institute. He was also a member of Eudaemonic Enterprises.-Biography:...

    , Scott D. White). Reviewed 2005 in Europhysicsnews 36(6):218-220 by Stefan Thurner.
  • Douglas R. White
    Douglas R. White
    Douglas R. White is an American complexity researcher , social anthropologist, sociologist, and social network researcher at the University of California, Irvine.-Biography:...

    , Nataša Kejžar, and Laurent Tambayong. 2007. Discovering Oscillatory Dynamics of City-Size Distributions in World Historical Systems. Globalization as an Evolutionary Process: Modeling Global Change. Ed. by George Modelski
    George Modelski
    George Modelski is Professor of Political Science Emeritus in the University of Washington. Modelski has done work on long-term processes in global politics and economics, as well as the world urban macrodynamics and world system evolution.-Books:*Globalization as Evolutionary Process: Modeling...

    , Tessaleno Devezas
    Tessaleno Devezas
    Tessaleno Campos Devezas is a physicist, systems theorist, and materials scientist known by his contributions to the long waves theory in socioeconomic development, technological evolution, as well as world system analysis.-Awards:In March 2002 Devezas was honored with the “Elsevier Best Paper...

    , and William R. Thompson. London: Routledge. ISBN 9780415773614
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