National Association for Promoting the Political and Social Improvement of the People
The National Association for Promoting the Political and Social Improvement of the People was founded, in Britain
United Kingdom
The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern IrelandIn the United Kingdom and Dependencies, other languages have been officially recognised as legitimate autochthonous languages under the European Charter for Regional or Minority Languages...

, in 1841 by William Lovett
William Lovett
William Lovett was a British activist who was a leader of the political movement Chartism as well as one of the leading London-based Artisan Radicals of his generation....

 in order to put his form of "educational chartism" into practice. This was denounced by the Northern Star
Northern Star (chartist newspaper)
The Northern Star and Leeds General Advertiser was a chartist newspaper published in the United Kingdom between 1837 and 1852.-Foundation:Feargus O'Connor, a former Irish MP forging a career in English radical politics, decided to establish a weekly newspaper in 1837...

 as a "New Move", resulting in its members becoming isolated from those involved with the National Chartism Association.

Several people who had been prominent in London working-class radicalism and Chartism joined the National Association, including Henry Vincent
Henry Vincent
Henry Vincent was active in the formation of early Working Men's Associations in Britain, a popular Chartist leader, brilliant and gifted public orator, prospective but ultimately unsuccessful Victorian MP, and later an anti-slavery campaigner.- Early life :Henry Vincent was born in High Holborn,...

, James Watson, Richard Moore, Nesson, Charles and James Savage, Charles Westerton, Arthur Dyson, Richard Spurr
Richard Spurr
Richard Spurr was an English cabinet maker and lay preacher who was imprisoned for his part in leading the political movement Chartism.- Early life :...

, James Hoppey and James Peat.
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