Near North Side
Near North Side or Near Northside can refer to many areas, including the following:
  • Near North Side, Chicago
    Near North Side, Chicago
    The Near North Side is one of 77 well-defined community areas of Chicago, Illinois, United States. It is located north and east of the Chicago River, just north of the central business district . To its east is Lake Michigan and its northern boundary is the 19th-century city limit of Chicago,...

  • Near Northside, Houston
  • Near North Side (Omaha, Nebraska)
    Near North Side (Omaha, Nebraska)
    The Near North Side of Omaha, Nebraska is the neighborhood immediately north of downtown. It forms the nucleus of the city's African-American community, and its name is often synonymous with the entire North Omaha area...

See also

  • Near North (disambiguation)
  • Near East Side (disambiguation)
  • Near South Side (disambiguation)
  • Near West Side (disambiguation)
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