Net Sphere Engineer
is a manga
Manga is the Japanese word for "comics" and consists of comics and print cartoons . In the West, the term "manga" has been appropriated to refer specifically to comics created in Japan, or by Japanese authors, in the Japanese language and conforming to the style developed in Japan in the late 19th...

 series by Tsutomu Nihei
Tsutomu Nihei
is a Japanese manga artist. His cyberpunk-influenced artwork has gained a strong cult following. He has a relatively large community of fans in Germany where his manga Blame!, NOiSE and Biomega were published by Ehapa. Blame! was also published in France and Spain by Glénat, in the US by Tokyopop...

. Presented as the sequel
A sequel is a narrative, documental, or other work of literature, film, theatre, or music that continues the story of or expands upon issues presented in some previous work...

 to Blame!
, pronounced "blam", is a ten-volume 1998 cyberpunk manga by Tsutomu Nihei published by Kodansha. A six part original net animation was produced in 2003, with a seventh episode included on the DVD release.- Plot :...

, the first chapter debuted in the infrequently published Bessatsu Morning magazine. To date, a second chapter has not been released.

NSE: Net Sphere Engineer follows a "Dismantler", a Net Sphere Engineer in charge of sub-dividing the nexus towers that incur Safeguard interference upon its detection of humans without the net terminal genes. Although humans are once again able to reside in the Net Sphere, the Safeguard are still a threat. The Dismantler goes on a journey to aid mankind in their survival.
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