Night Eagle
Night Eagle is a fictional character
Fictional character
A character is the representation of a person in a narrative work of art . Derived from the ancient Greek word kharaktêr , the earliest use in English, in this sense, dates from the Restoration, although it became widely used after its appearance in Tom Jones in 1749. From this, the sense of...

 from DC Comics
DC Comics
DC Comics, Inc. is one of the largest and most successful companies operating in the market for American comic books and related media. It is the publishing unit of DC Entertainment a company of Warner Bros. Entertainment, which itself is owned by Time Warner...

. She first appears in The Adventures of Superman
Superman is a fictional comic book superhero appearing in publications by DC Comics, widely considered to be an American cultural icon. Created by American writer Jerry Siegel and Canadian-born American artist Joe Shuster in 1932 while both were living in Cleveland, Ohio, and sold to Detective...

#586 (December 2000), and was created by J.M. DeMatteis and Mike Miller. She is a shaman of sorts, with a kinship with owls
Barn Owl
The Barn Owl is the most widely distributed species of owl, and one of the most widespread of all birds. It is also referred to as Common Barn Owl, to distinguish it from other species in the barn-owl family Tytonidae. These form one of two main lineages of living owls, the other being the typical...


Fictional character biography

When Satanus tried to corrupt Metropolis
Metropolis (comics)
Metropolis is a fictional city that appears in comic books published by DC Comics, and is the home of Superman. Metropolis first appeared by name in Action Comics #16 ....

 with dark magic
Magic (paranormal)
Magic is the claimed art of manipulating aspects of reality either by supernatural means or through knowledge of occult laws unknown to science. It is in contrast to science, in that science does not accept anything not subject to either direct or indirect observation, and subject to logical...

, Superman
Superman is a fictional comic book superhero appearing in publications by DC Comics, widely considered to be an American cultural icon. Created by American writer Jerry Siegel and Canadian-born American artist Joe Shuster in 1932 while both were living in Cleveland, Ohio, and sold to Detective...

  tried to intervene, but was overwhelmed by a powerful spell from the demon
call - 1347 531 7769 for more infoIn Ancient Near Eastern religions as well as in the Abrahamic traditions, including ancient and medieval Christian demonology, a demon is considered an "unclean spirit" which may cause demonic possession, to be addressed with an act of exorcism...

. As globes of dark power engulfed Superman, a flock of barn owls flew in and destroyed the globes. Superman looked up to see a Native American
Native Americans in the United States
Native Americans in the United States are the indigenous peoples in North America within the boundaries of the present-day continental United States, parts of Alaska, and the island state of Hawaii. They are composed of numerous, distinct tribes, states, and ethnic groups, many of which survive as...

 woman in an owl-like costume, who told Superman to "You can longer trust your eyes, you can only trust your heart", before she vanished.

Later, Superman followed an owl to a building, on which the woman stood, and she introduced herself as "Night Eagle". As magical foes and demons began attacking Metropolis, she would guide him on how to beat them. But when Satanus threatened to destroy the "soul of the city", Superman offered his soul in exchange. The result was that Superman was evil, as his soul was trapped in Hell
In many religious traditions, a hell is a place of suffering and punishment in the afterlife. Religions with a linear divine history often depict hells as endless. Religions with a cyclic history often depict a hell as an intermediary period between incarnations...


Night Eagle appeared to Lois Lane
Lois Lane
Lois Lane is a fictional character, the primary love interest of Superman in the comic books of DC Comics. Created by writer Jerry Siegel and artist Joe Shuster, she first appeared in Action Comics #1 ....

and helped her enter Hell. There Lois helped Superman free himself, and the two defeated Satanus. Night Eagle then vanished, but not before her face became turned in to the face of Satanus's sister, Blaze. Night Eagle's current status and identity are unknown.

Powers and abilities

Night Eagle is an agent of light, a bridge between the physical world and the afterlife. Night Eagle can see into the afterlife, and see magical energies. She has the power to fly, and can disperse spells and dark magic with her owls (who seem to obey her thoughts). She can appear to one or two people, while being invisible to all others, and cannot be touched by physical entities.

External links

The source of this article is wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.  The text of this article is licensed under the GFDL.