Nikolai Nissen Paus
Nikolai Nissen Paus was a Norwegian surgeon
In medicine, a surgeon is a specialist in surgery. Surgery is a broad category of invasive medical treatment that involves the cutting of a body, whether human or animal, for a specific reason such as the removal of diseased tissue or to repair a tear or breakage...

 and humanitarian. He served as President of the Norwegian Red Cross
Norwegian Red Cross
The Norwegian Red Cross was founded September 22, 1865 by prime minister Frederik Stang. In 1907 the Norwegian Ministry of Defence authorized the organization for voluntary medical aid in war...

 1945–1947, and as Vice President 1930–1945 and acting President 1939–1940. He also was President of the Norwegian Florence Nightingale
Florence Nightingale
Florence Nightingale OM, RRC was a celebrated English nurse, writer and statistician. She came to prominence for her pioneering work in nursing during the Crimean War, where she tended to wounded soldiers. She was dubbed "The Lady with the Lamp" after her habit of making rounds at night...


Paus finished his medical studies in 1903 and obtained the dr. med. degree in 1916. He was a consultant surgeon at the National Hospital
Rikshospitalet is located in Oslo, Norway. From January 1, 2009, the hospital is part of Oslo University Hospital....

 and served as Director of Vestfold Hospital
Vestfold Hospital
Vestfold Hospital is a public hospital in Norway, located in Tønsberg in Vestfold, with divisions also in Larvik, Sandefjord and Horten. As of 2002, the hospital had 3,000 employees. The hospital was founded in 1870...


He was a freemason of the XI and second highest degree, and the father of Bernhard C. Paus, who was also a surgeon and humanitarian as well the Grand Master
Grand Master (Masonic)
In Freemasonry a Grand Master is the leader of the lodges within his Masonic jurisdiction. He presides over a Grand Lodge, and has certain rights in the constituent lodges that form his jurisdiction....

 of the Norwegian Order of Freemasons
Norwegian Order of Freemasons
The Norwegian Order of Freemasons is the Masonic Grand Lodge in Norway. The first lodge was opened in 1749 and is still working. The Grand Lodge has followed the Swedish Rite since 1818, which requires its members to adhere to Christianity...


A painting of him by Erik Werenskiold
Erik Werenskiold
Erik Theodor Werenskiold was a Norwegian painter and illustrator. He is especially known for his drawings for the...

 (1934) and a bust
Bust (sculpture)
A bust is a sculpted or cast representation of the upper part of the human figure, depicting a person's head and neck, as well as a variable portion of the chest and shoulders. The piece is normally supported by a plinth. These forms recreate the likeness of an individual...

 by sculptor Wilhelm Rasmussen
Wilhelm Rasmussen
Wilhelm Rasmussen was a Norwegian sculptor.Wilhelm Robert Rasmussen was born in Skien in Telemark county, Norway. He studied under Norwegian sculptors Brynjulf Bergslien and Lars Utne , and later trained at the Drawing Academy in Oslo from 1895 to 1900, then a short time in Paris in 1902 and in...

 (1947) exist; the bust is displayed outside Vestfold Hospital.


  • Croix de l'Ordre de la Santé publique
    Ordre de la Santé publique
    The Ordre de la Santé publique was a French order of merit, created by presidential decree of President Albert Lebrun on 18 February 1938 and amended on 22 May 1954, and awarded for services to the public health and protection of children...

    , 1947
  • Honorary member of the Norwegian Red Cross
    Norwegian Red Cross
    The Norwegian Red Cross was founded September 22, 1865 by prime minister Frederik Stang. In 1907 the Norwegian Ministry of Defence authorized the organization for voluntary medical aid in war...

    , 1947.
  • Knight First Class of the Order of St. Olav
  • Several others
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