Noriko Mitose
is a Japanese singer. She is the vocalist of the band Kirche, and as a solo singer, has performed many songs for games.
While many of her songs have been for adult games
, she has also performed for several RPGs: Chrono Cross
(she was personally requested by director Masato Kato
for the ending song; she later made an album with that song's guitarist, Tomohiko Kira
), Ar tonelico: Melody of Elemia
, Atelier Iris 3: Grand Phantasm, Mana Khemia and Ar tonelico II: Sekai ni Hibiku Shoujotachi no Metafalica.
Apart from kirche, Mitose also provided the vocal and lyrics for ORITA, a band she formed with composer Naruki. She has also contributed to various dojin music
circles, such as APPLE Project.
Released December 18, 1999
D.C.-ダ・カーポ- オープニングテーマ ダ・カーポ-第2ボタンの誓い- / D.C.-Da Capo Opening Theme Da Capo -Chapter 2 Oath of Buttons-
Released August 22, 2002
D.C.~ダ・カーポ~ コンプリート オリジナルサウンドトラック / D.C.~Da-Capo~ Complete Original Soundtrack
Released September 25, 2002
エンジェリックヴェール アレンジトラックス / Angelic Vale Arrange Tracks
Released February 6, 2005
アルトネリコ 世界の終わりで詩い続ける少女 オリジナルサウンドトラック / Ar tonelico Sekai no Owari de Utai Tsuzukeru Shoujo Original Soundtrack
Released December 21, 2005
月奏~ツキカナデ~ Ar tonelico Hymmnos concert Side 紅 / Playing the Stars~Tsukikanade~ Ar tonelico concert side Red
Released January 25, 2006
イリスのアトリエ グランファンタズム オリジナルサウンドトラック / Atelier Iris Grand Fantasm Original Soundtrack
Released June 21, 2006
Released July 22, 2006
クレア~そよかぜの約束~ -Ar tonelico hymmnos musical- / Claire~Soyokaze no Yakusoku~ - Ar tonelico hymmnos musical-
Released August 30, 2006
江ノ島ベイビィ ドラマCD / Enoshima Baby Drama CD
Released September 29, 2006
スピカ~心が紡ぐ贈りもの~ -Ar tonelico hymmnos musical- / Spica~Kokoro ga Tsumugu Okurimono~ - Ar tonelico hymmnos musical-
Released February 28, 2007
マナケミア ~学園の錬金術士たち~ ORIGINAL SOUNDTRACK / Mana-Khemia ~Alchemist Academy~ ORIGINAL SOUNDTRACK
Released May 30, 2007
アトリエシリーズ&マナケミア・ボーカルコレクション~フォルクスリート2~ / Atelier Series & Mana-Khemia Vocal Collection ~Volkslied 2~
Released May 30, 2007
まほろばStories -Library of Fortune- オリジナルサウンドトラック / Mahoroba Stories -Library of Fortune- Original Soundtrack
Released August 24, 2007
焔~ホムラ~Ar tonelico II Hymmnos Concert Side.紅~ / Flame~Homura~ Ar tonelico II Hymmnos Concert Side Red
Released October 24, 2007
Noriko Mitose sang for church choir when she was young but did not get involved in the music scene until she and Toshihiko Inoue formed kirche in 1993. She has since gone on to pursue her own singing career, and in 2005, her first solo album Yoruoto Hyouhon was released. Her following album releases, crochet and savon compile the songs she has done for games.While many of her songs have been for adult games
An or Ero-ga is a Japanese video or computer game that features erotic content, usually in the form of anime-style artwork. Eroge originated from galge, but unlike galge, they feature erotic/pornographic content.-History:...
, she has also performed for several RPGs: Chrono Cross
Chrono Cross
is a role-playing video game developed and published by Square for the PlayStation video game console. It is the sequel to Chrono Trigger, which was released in 1995 for the Super Nintendo Entertainment System...
(she was personally requested by director Masato Kato
Masato Kato
is a Japanese video game artist, scenario writer and director. In the early days of his career, he was credited under the pseudonyms of "Runmaru" and "Runmal".- Biography :...
for the ending song; she later made an album with that song's guitarist, Tomohiko Kira
Tomohiko Kira
is a Japanese guitarist who leads the band ZABADAK. He composed the original music for the 1988 cult horror film Evil Dead Trap. He also used his talent on the soundtracks of the console role-playing games Xenogears and Chrono Cross , playing the opening and ending themes on the latter...
), Ar tonelico: Melody of Elemia
Ar tonelico: Melody of Elemia
Ar tonelico: Melody of Elemia, released in Japan as is a PlayStation 2 console role-playing game produced by Banpresto and Gust. There were other media releases based on the game, including the comic Ar tonelico -arpeggio-, the OVA Ar tonelico, and several drama CDs.The story begins on the...
, Atelier Iris 3: Grand Phantasm, Mana Khemia and Ar tonelico II: Sekai ni Hibiku Shoujotachi no Metafalica.
Apart from kirche, Mitose also provided the vocal and lyrics for ORITA, a band she formed with composer Naruki. She has also contributed to various dojin music
Dojin music
, also called in Japan, is a sub-category of dōjin activity. Dōjin are basically non-official self-published Japanese works which can be based on official products or completely original creations...
circles, such as APPLE Project.
ヨルオトヒョウホン / Yoruoto Hyōhon
Released March 6, 2005- 綺羅の天蓋 / Kira no Tengai
- 天の鈴 / Ten no Suzu
- 蝉時雨 / Semishigure
- 早春賦 / Soushunfu
- Nacht
- untitled cinema ~オクターヴ・ワルツ~ / untitled cinema ~Octave Waltz~
- スイレン / Suiren
- une plume d'hiver ~冬の羽~ / une plume d'hiver ~Fuyu no Hane~
- NAMARIE (指輪物語より) / NamáriëNamárië"Namárië" is a poem by J. R. R. Tolkien written in Quenya, a constructed language, and published for the first time in The Lord of the Rings...
(from The Lord of the RingsThe Lord of the RingsThe Lord of the Rings is a high fantasy epic written by English philologist and University of Oxford professor J. R. R. Tolkien. The story began as a sequel to Tolkien's earlier, less complex children's fantasy novel The Hobbit , but eventually developed into a much larger work. It was written in...
) - 小さな光 / Chiisana Hikari
Released July 28, 2005- alive - ver.hos -
- 落ち葉舞う頃 / Ochiba Mau Koro
- have eyes only for you
- Viendarri
- 風をゆく翼 / Kaze wo Yuku Tsubasa
- cercueil blanc~白の柩~ / cercueil blanc~Shiro no Hitsugi~
- 蝉時雨 / Semishigure
- Lost in love
- APPLE Tree
- 鳥のように抱いて / Tori no you ni Idaite
- 夜の迷い子たち / Yoru no Mayoigo-tachi
- Last Letter~最後の手紙 / Last Letter~Saigo no Tegami
- crochet
Released September 21, 2005- Angelic Wind
- 楽園のゆりかご / Rakuen no Yurikago
- ひとつの祈り / Hitotsu no Inori
- Forever Yours
- 永遠の現在 / Eien no Genzai
- Light & Dark
- 天使の贈り物 / Tenshi no Okurimono
- ロマーニに捧げるレクイエム~レクイエム・ロマーニ / Romany ni Sasageru Requiem~Requiem-Romany
- わたしのありか / Watashi no Arika
- 月灯のララバイ/ Tsuki Tomoshibi no Lullaby
- 夜明けの空 / Yoake no Sora
Released May 23, 2007- ちいさい秋みつけた / Chiisai Aki Mitsuketa
- 花の季節<ロマーニ民謡> / Hana no Kisetsu
- 祝祭の輪舞-ロンド- / Shukusai no Rinbu-Rondo-
- 紅葉 / Kouyou
- 宵待草 / Yoimachigusa
- 曼珠沙華(ひがんばな)/ Manjushage (Higanbana)
- たなばたさま / Tanabata-sama
- うさぎ / Usagi
- 雪のおどり<チェコ民謡> / Yuki no Odori
- さくら / Sakura
- 大きな古時計 / Ookina Furu Tokei
- 銀色の道 / Giniro no Michi
- 朧月夜 / Oborozukiyo
- シャローム<イスラエル民謡> / Shalom
ёрлга / yorlga
Released May 19, 2010- セカイは僕の睛の中の映画
- 珠ノ舟
- 夢ヲ買イマス
- 異界の底に棲むモノは
- Circulation
- 桜散ル夜~ハナチルヤ~
- 蘇州夜曲
- 眠り病
- 天上への祈り
- 狐-キツネツキ-月
- U.M.T.
- ヨルガ<睡晶>
coloured water
Originally released on cassette: August 1995, later re-released on CD: April 2000- Coloured Water―泉― / Coloured Water-Izumi-
- 風の行彷 /Kaze no Gyou
- Highland
- 花降る森で / Hana furu Moride
- 架空庭園 / Kakuu Tein
- 春の翼 / Haru no Tsubasa
- 夕べの祈り―晩鐘― / Yuube no Tsubasa-Banshou-
- 鬼さんこちら / Oni-san Kochira
- 水の足音 / Mizu no Ashioto
- Coloured Water―雨― / Coloured Water -Ame-
- 大陸 / Tairiku
- Glass Moon
Released July 1999- Pleiades
- 千の夜の睛 ~celestine / Sen no Yoru no Hitomi ~celestine
- セイリオス / Seiri Osu
- 五月はベリルの風をつれて / Gogatsu wa Berial no Kaze wo Tsurete
- Breeze♪Muzie
- Mirage of sands
- Swim ― 水夢 ― / Swim - Mizu Yume -
- 三日月の舟 / Mikazuki no Fune
- ティル・ナ・ノグ / Teiru na Noku
- 星によせて / Hoshi no Yosete
- 空の青 水の青 / Sora no Ao Mizu no Ao
唄は語り継がれる / Uta wa Kataritsugareru
Released August 2003- ニンフェア~天空に咲く花 / Ninfair~Tenkyuu ni Saku Hana
- 凍る階音 / Kooru Kai Oto
- 唄は語り継がれる / Uta wa Kataritsugareru
Schwarz Nacht
Released February 6, 2005- Schwarz Nacht(real kirche version)
- Departure
- ある午後の情景 / Aru Gogo no Joukei
Released August 2003- rain~雨音の窓辺で / rain~Ama Oto no Madobe de
- 月下美人~Tube Rose~ / Gekkabijin~Tube Rose~
- 眠りの森 / Nemuri no Mori
- 真珠の夢は水の底に沈む / Shinju no Yume wa Mizu no Soko ni Shizumu
- 地上の楽園 /Chijou no Rakuen
Video Game Works
クロノ・クロス オリジナル・サウンドトラック / Chrono Cross Original SoundtrackReleased December 18, 1999
- RADICAL DREAMERS~盗めない宝石~ / RADICAL DREAMERS~Nusumenai Houseki~
D.C.-ダ・カーポ- オープニングテーマ ダ・カーポ-第2ボタンの誓い- / D.C.-Da Capo Opening Theme Da Capo -Chapter 2 Oath of Buttons-
Released August 22, 2002
- Dream~The other side~
D.C.~ダ・カーポ~ コンプリート オリジナルサウンドトラック / D.C.~Da-Capo~ Complete Original Soundtrack
Released September 25, 2002
- Dream~The other side~(Game size)
エンジェリックヴェール アレンジトラックス / Angelic Vale Arrange Tracks
Released February 6, 2005
- ひとつの祈り / Hitotsu no Inori
アルトネリコ 世界の終わりで詩い続ける少女 オリジナルサウンドトラック / Ar tonelico Sekai no Owari de Utai Tsuzukeru Shoujo Original Soundtrack
Released December 21, 2005
- ファンタスマゴリア / Phantasmagoria (with Akiko ShikataAkiko Shikatais a Japanese singer-songwriter and composer, who is known for writing music for games and anime. She is best known for her contributions to the Ar tonelico, Shadow Hearts and Umineko no Naku Koro ni games, as well as anime adaptations of Umineko no Naku Koro ni and Tales of Symphonia.Shikata's...
and Haruka ShimotsukiHaruka Shimotsukiis a Japanese singer and dōjin music composer known for her vocal themes in the Atelier Iris and Ar tonelico series. She also wrote the lyrics and sang the ending themes to the two seasons of Rozen Maiden as well as the OVA under the name Kukui, with Myu. Shimotsuki's original music mainly consists...
月奏~ツキカナデ~ Ar tonelico Hymmnos concert Side 紅 / Playing the Stars~Tsukikanade~ Ar tonelico concert side Red
Released January 25, 2006
- EXEC_PHANTASMAGORIA/. (with Akiko ShikataAkiko Shikatais a Japanese singer-songwriter and composer, who is known for writing music for games and anime. She is best known for her contributions to the Ar tonelico, Shadow Hearts and Umineko no Naku Koro ni games, as well as anime adaptations of Umineko no Naku Koro ni and Tales of Symphonia.Shikata's...
and Haruka ShimotsukiHaruka Shimotsukiis a Japanese singer and dōjin music composer known for her vocal themes in the Atelier Iris and Ar tonelico series. She also wrote the lyrics and sang the ending themes to the two seasons of Rozen Maiden as well as the OVA under the name Kukui, with Myu. Shimotsuki's original music mainly consists...
イリスのアトリエ グランファンタズム オリジナルサウンドトラック / Atelier Iris Grand Fantasm Original Soundtrack
Released June 21, 2006
- Omen
- Lorelei
Released July 22, 2006
- 水唱~スイショウ~ / Suishou
クレア~そよかぜの約束~ -Ar tonelico hymmnos musical- / Claire~Soyokaze no Yakusoku~ - Ar tonelico hymmnos musical-
Released August 30, 2006
- 月奏 『鎮魂 ~尊き命よやすらかに~』/ Tsukikanade 『Chingon ~Sonki Inochi yo Yasuraka ni~』 (Chanting the Moon 「Requiem ~Rest in Peace, Precious Life~」)
江ノ島ベイビィ ドラマCD / Enoshima Baby Drama CD
Released September 29, 2006
- Rains
スピカ~心が紡ぐ贈りもの~ -Ar tonelico hymmnos musical- / Spica~Kokoro ga Tsumugu Okurimono~ - Ar tonelico hymmnos musical-
Released February 28, 2007
マナケミア ~学園の錬金術士たち~ ORIGINAL SOUNDTRACK / Mana-Khemia ~Alchemist Academy~ ORIGINAL SOUNDTRACK
Released May 30, 2007
アトリエシリーズ&マナケミア・ボーカルコレクション~フォルクスリート2~ / Atelier Series & Mana-Khemia Vocal Collection ~Volkslied 2~
Released May 30, 2007
- 夜天に灯す / Yoru Ten ni Tomosu
- Lhiannan Shee
まほろばStories -Library of Fortune- オリジナルサウンドトラック / Mahoroba Stories -Library of Fortune- Original Soundtrack
Released August 24, 2007
- 頁の翼 -あの空へ- / Peeji no Tsubasa -Ano Sora e-
- まほろばの旋律 / Mahoroba no Senritsu
焔~ホムラ~Ar tonelico II Hymmnos Concert Side.紅~ / Flame~Homura~ Ar tonelico II Hymmnos Concert Side Red
Released October 24, 2007
- こころ語り / Kokoro Katari (The Heart Talks) (with Dahna)
- 染~SEN~此ノ花咲ク耶 / Sen~SEN~Kono Hanasaku ka (Colors~Sen~Will This Flower Bloom?)
擬似少女楽園廃墟 / Giji Shoujo Rakuen Haikyo
Released February 2004- セルクール・ブラン~白の柩 / cercueil blanc~Shiro no Hitsugi~
- 真珠姫 / Shinju Hime
- Mindsphere
地獄歌占 / Jigoku Utaura
Released December 2006- 月花-GEKKA- / Gekka -GEKKA-
- 美しき仮面、醜き心 / Utsukushiki Kamen, Minikuki Kokoro
- 曼珠沙華(ひがんばな)/ Manjushage (Higanbana)
- 小さな幸せ / Chiisana Shiawase
- 櫻幻燈 / Sakura Gentou
- 劫火の少女 / Gouka no Shoujo
- かぞえうた~地獄鞠歌~ / Kazoeuta~Jigoku Mariuta~
- 悠久の紅 / Yuukyuu no Kurenai
Bookshelf~桜詩舎ベストセレクション~ / Bookshelf~Sakura Shisha Best Selection~
Released January 2007- Schwarz Nacht
- 唄は語り継がれる / Uta wa Kataritsugareru
- 空の青 水の青 / Sora no Ao Mizu no Ao
- ティル・ナ・ノグ / Tiru na Nogu
- 月下美人~Tube Rose~ / Gekkabijin~Tube Rose~
- 地上の楽園 / Chijou no Rakuen
- crochet
- 早春賦 / Soushunfu
- 天の鈴 / Ten no Suzu
- スイレン / Suiren
External links
- ORITA - ORITA's official site
- Katsuu Teien - kirche's official site
- SnowBlanc - Noriko Mitose's official site