Northstar (demogroup)
Northstar was an exclusively Swedish
Sweden , officially the Kingdom of Sweden , is a Nordic country on the Scandinavian Peninsula in Northern Europe. Sweden borders with Norway and Finland and is connected to Denmark by a bridge-tunnel across the Öresund....

The demoscene is a computer art subculture that specializes in producing demos, which are non-interactive audio-visual presentations that run in real-time on a computer...

 group, perhaps best known for their early diskmag "Exceller 8" and their two members Kaktus and Mahoney — authors of the original NoiseTracker and several musicdisks.

Starfire coded a couple of antivirus bootblocks that acted in a way the writers of the viruskillers didn't appreciate... They were therefore - to this day, even - classified as viruses. There's little doubt that Starfire never meant for this.

Group history

1988 - The first issue of their pioneering diskmag Exceller 8 was released in cooperation with Fairlight
Fairlight (group)
Fairlight is a warez and demo group initially involved in the Commodore demoscene, and in cracking to illegally release games for free, since 1987. In addition to the C64, Fairlight has also migrated towards the Amiga, Super Nintendo and later the PC...

. Coder Celebrandil joined.

1989 - Three more issues of Exceller 8 were released, one more with Fairlight and finally two more with The Silents
The Silents
The Silents are an psychedelic rock band from Perth, Western Australia.-Biography:Benjamin 'Lloyd' Stowe and Jamie Terry began writing and recording songs in 2002, heavily influenced by early sixties psychedelic and beat music. They then began looking for a rhythm section with similar rock’n’roll...

. They lost Celebrandil (code) to Fairlight. Swedish musician
A musician is an artist who plays a musical instrument. It may or may not be the person's profession. Musicians can be classified by their roles in performing music and writing music.Also....* A person who makes music a profession....

 Titan contributed music
Music is an art form whose medium is sound and silence. Its common elements are pitch , rhythm , dynamics, and the sonic qualities of timbre and texture...

 to the demo
Demo (computer programming)
A demo is a non-interactive multimedia presentation made within the computer subculture known as the demoscene. Demogroups create demos to demonstrate their abilities in programming, music, drawing, and 3D modeling...

 "Big" by the Swedish division of Scoopex. He would later join Scoopex himself, under the handle Uncle Tom.

1990 - French
The French Republic , The French Republic , The French Republic , (commonly known as France , is a unitary semi-presidential republic in Western Europe with several overseas territories and islands located on other continents and in the Indian, Pacific, and Atlantic oceans. Metropolitan France...

 section was formed around the middle of the year by members of Brain Wave
Brain Wave
Brain Wave is a science fiction novel by Poul Anderson first published in serial form in Space Science Fiction in 1953, and then as a novel in 1954...

. They all finally left for Agile
Agile can refer to:*Agility*Agile , an American Thoroughbred racehorse* Agile management*Association of Geographic Information Laboratories for Europe *Agile Software Corporation, a provider of product lifecycle management solutions...

 in 1991.

External links

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