Notes and Records of the Royal Society
Notes and Records of the Royal Society is an international journal which publishes original research in the history of science
History of science
The history of science is the study of the historical development of human understandings of the natural world and the domains of the social sciences....

, technology
History of technology
The history of technology is the history of the invention of tools and techniques, and is similar in many ways to the history of humanity. Background knowledge has enabled people to create new things, and conversely, many scientific endeavors have become possible through technologies which assist...

 and medicine
History of medicine
All human societies have medical beliefs that provide explanations for birth, death, and disease. Throughout history, illness has been attributed to witchcraft, demons, astral influence, or the will of the gods...

 up to and including the 21st century. It is published both in print and online.

As a journal of the Royal Society
Royal Society
The Royal Society of London for Improving Natural Knowledge, known simply as the Royal Society, is a learned society for science, and is possibly the oldest such society in existence. Founded in November 1660, it was granted a Royal Charter by King Charles II as the "Royal Society of London"...

, Notes and Records belongs to a group of journals including the longest running scientific journal in the world, Philosophical Transactions.
The editor is Robert Fox and it has an international editorial board.

In addition to publishing peer-reviewed research articles, Notes and Records welcomes recollections or autobiographical accounts written by Fellows and others recording important moments in science from the recent past. It also includes book reviews and news of research projects and online and other resources of interest to historians.

The current and past issues are available online.
The Royal Society's electronic submission
Electronic submission
An electronic submission refers to a manuscript submitted by electronic means: that is, via e-mail or a web form on the Internet, or on an electronic medium such as a compact disc, a hard disk or a USB flash drive. Traditionally, a manuscript referred to anything that was explicitly "written by hand"...

and peer-review service provides Notes and Records authors with the facility to submit their papers online.
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