Ocean Beach, Tasmania
Ocean Beach is a long stretch of beach running north of Macquarie Heads
Macquarie Harbour
Macquarie Harbour is a large, shallow, but navigable by shallow draft vessels inlet on the West Coast of Tasmania, Australia.-History:James Kelly wrote in his narrative "First Discovery of Port Davey and Macquarie Harbour" how he sailed from Hobart in a small open five-oared whaleboat to discover...

 and Hells Gates
Hell's Gates (Tasmania)
Hells Gates is the name of the mouth of Macquarie Harbour on the West Coast of Tasmania. It is a notoriously shallow and dangerous channel entrance to the harbour. The actual channel is between Cape Sorell, Tasmania on the west and Entrance Island on the east...

 on the West Coast
West Coast, Tasmania
The West Coast of Tasmania is the part of the state that is strongly associated with wilderness, mining and tourism, rough country and isolation...

 of Tasmania
Tasmania is an Australian island and state. It is south of the continent, separated by Bass Strait. The state includes the island of Tasmania—the 26th largest island in the world—and the surrounding islands. The state has a population of 507,626 , of whom almost half reside in the greater Hobart...

. It is close to Strahan
Strahan, Tasmania
-See also:* Convicts on the West Coast of Tasmania* Macquarie Harbour* Railways on the West Coast of Tasmania* West Coast Piners-Further reading:* *...

 and parallel to the Strahan Airport
Strahan Airport
Strahan Airport is an airport located 3 km west of Strahan, Tasmania, Australia. It is the main airport for the West Coast of Tasmania, and is owned and maintained by the West Coast Council...

 runway. It extends as far north as Trial Harbour
Trial harbour
Trial Harbour is a small anchorage on the West Coast, Tasmania, located in the northern part of Ocean Beach, Tasmania. It was an exposed and particularly vulnerable anchorage which was susceptible to the prevailing local weather of the Roaring Forties....

 and the coast immediately west of Zeehan
Zeehan, Tasmania
Zeehan is a town on the west coast of Tasmania, Australia. It lies southwest of Burnie. At the 2006 census, Zeehan had a population of 845. It is part of the Municipality of West Coast....


Exposed to the ocean with no landmass at this longitude between it and South America, this beach can be exposed to extreme weather conditions. In serious weather it can have large extended lines of breakers, and a swell at the Cape Sorell Waverider Buoy
Cape Sorell, Tasmania
Cape Sorell is the headland and lighthouse located outside of Macquarie Harbour on the West Coast of Tasmania.It is an important orientation point for all vessels entering Macquarie Heads - and then through Hells Gates at the entrance to the harbour....

 at up to 20+ metres.

The mist and spray from the surf can at times give the impression of fog.

Whale stranding frequently occurs along this stretch of the West Coast—and can be difficult to remedy due to the isolated location and low population numbers to assist in whale rescue.

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